Coventry Telegraph

Sentence of hit-and-run driver who injured officer deemed ‘unduly lenient’

- By BEN ECCLESTON News Reporter

A HIT-AND-RUN driver who mowed down a police officer in Coventry could see his sentence increased.

Tekle Lennox was jailed for seven years for the incident last September that left PC Christophe­r Burnham in hospital for a number of weeks, including spending a week in an induced coma.

Lennox had pleaded guilty to a charge of causing grievous bodily harm with intent to resist arrest and was sentenced at Warwick Crown Court in March.

The sentence was immediatel­y blasted as “shocking in its leniency” by the Police Federation who said they would be appealing. The Attorney General’s office has now confirmed that Lennox’s case was referred to them under the Unduly Lenient Sentence (ULS) scheme and the Solicitor General, Michael Ellis, “considers it to be unduly lenient” and has referred it to the Court of Appeal.

It is now up to that court to decide what action to take, if any, with regards to Lennox’s sentence.

A full statement from the Attorney General’s office said: “We can confirm that this sentence was referred to our office under the Unduly Lenient Sentence (ULS) scheme.

“We can also confirm that the Solicitor General has referred Tekle Lennox’s sentence to the Court of Appeal as he considers it to be unduly lenient.

“It is now for the court to decide whether to increase the sentence.”

A date for the Court of Appeal is yet to be set.

Lennox was arrested two days after PC Burnham, who has worked for West Midlands Police for 25 years, was struck by a Mini Cooper at the junction of Burnaby Road and Holbrook Lane on September 25, 2019.

He was carried on the bonnet of the car for several seconds before being thrown off into the road. The Mini continued to be driven away from the scene.

The officer suffered severe injuries including a fractured skull and a bleed on the brain, and was placed in to an induced coma

PC Burnham, a father of one, was eventually discharged from hospital after several weeks, but it is still unknown if there will be a long-lasting effect from his brain injury. Lennox was initially charged with attempted murder, which he had denied, and it was revealed at a pre-trial review in February by the CPS that he would no longer be facing that charge.

The 37-year-old, of no fixed address, instead admitted a GBH charge and was jailed for seven years.

He was given an extra four months behind bars after admitting three counts of possession of drugs - two for class A and one for class B - in connection with crack cocaine, heroin and cannabis being found on him when he was arrested on September 27, 2019.

Sentencing Lennox, Judge Peter Cooke told him: “On September 25 last year you set in train a set of events which have led to PC Christophe­r Burnham’s life changing, quite possibly, forever.

“The impact on him has been profound and, sad to say, the degree of permanence of those consequenc­es remain uncertain even today.

“He and his family have been through hell over the last few months.”

The judge said that he accepted that the brief time for which Lennox could see PC Burnham before the collision was “insufficie­nt for any driver to have reacted in a way that would have avoided the collision”.

But he added: “You hit Christophe­r Burnham and he was thrown up in the most horrific fashion on to the bonnet of the vehicle and then carried 42 metres along Burnaby Road before he fell from the car.

“During that period you had made no attempt to mitigate your speed. You had taken no regard for a person being on the bonnet of your car.

“If anything, you accelerate­d to get away.”

Reacting to the sentence in March, Jon Nott, chairman of West Midlands Police Federation, said: “Last September PC Christophe­r Burnham was doing his duty, protecting the public, proactivel­y attempting to arrest a wanted man.

“That man - Tekle Lennox, a serial offender then chose to try to avoid arrest and in doing so hit PC Burnham with his car, carrying him on his bonnet for 42 metres, causing him serious injuries.

“Injuries which could easily have killed him and which left him in a coma.

“This sentencing is shocking in its leniency, but sadly not surprising.

“Lennox will serve significan­tly less than the sentence, and then be free to resume his life. But Chris, his wife and their young son - who have suffered months of pain, worry and anguish - will have to deal with the effects of this incident for the rest of their lives.

“Chris is a distinguis­hed, dedicated and well-liked member of West Midlands Police with 25 years’ service who may not ever recover fully from the injuries he suffered that day.

“We have supported him, his loved ones, his colleagues and the wider West Midlands Police family since this terrible incident and they will continue to receive our support as his recovery continues.”

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