Coventry Telegraph

Nation so grateful to our armed forces


SATURDAY 27th June was UK Armed Forces Day 2020.

Sadly, due to the Covid-19 situation the annual parades and celebratio­ns normally seen all across the nation could not take place this year, but I hope that all of our men and women in uniform who serve this nation both at home and abroad know the high esteem in which they are held.

It can never be said enough how much you are valued by a grateful nation.

P. Sheehan, Coventry.

Thanks for accurate report of meeting

I THANK Tom Davis for his accurate report (CT of 26 June) on the Planning Committee meeting of 25 June where two new junctions off the A45 and roundabout­s were approved by 6 votes to 2. Cllr Roger Bailey and I voted against.

The virtual meeting system is not, in my view, as good as an actual meeting, where all speakers are in one place. Minor things can go wrong and everything takes more time. But it is all we can do during this time of Covid19.

It is therefore particular­ly important that local media provide a good summary and Mr Davis has certainly done that.

Cllr David Skinner, Westwood Ward

Shambles has led to no trust from public

IT seems that social distancing has long been forgotten even before the government puts pretty much an end to it with the new one metre rule. Sorry, one metre plus!

The country has been ignoring it for weeks now with thousands of protests and beaches and parks bursting at the seams with people enjoying the recent heatwave. Who can blame them? The government has been a shambles so why trust them?

J. Harrows, Coventry.

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