Coventry Telegraph



COVENTRY’S trading standards department has issued an urgent bogus trader warning over doorstep cold callers.

The warning comes in the wake of an increase in bogus trader activity across the city and in particular the touting of coronaviru­s-related cleaning services.

The latest scam seeks to take advantage of people’s health and hygiene concerns as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Coventry City Council’s trading standards department says it has already received reports of people being conned into paying large sums of money for poor quality gardening work, overpriced pressure washing of driveways, as well as substandar­d driveways, and roofing repairs.

It said that the coronaviru­s pandemic has resulted in new scams being brought into the mix.

The department’s warning says: “This year, we have the added pressure of lockdown due to Covid-19, which has seen ‘doorstep cleaning services’ offered, making claims that it will kill bacteria, and help prevent the spread of the virus.”

The warning adds: “Claims are made that these callers have noticed work that ‘needs’ doing as they drove past and cheap, simple jobs such as guttering work quickly escalate into more extensive works as they ‘notice’ more and more issues that need doing.

“Unfortunat­ely, the targets of these people are often our elderly, vulnerable residents.

“A rogue trader will usually start with a low price to increase the chance of people agreeing to the work, but then, they will increase the price without warning or explanatio­n and pressure for the increased payment.

“Trading standards advise people never to enter into any contract at their doorsteps.

“Rogue traders will attempt to frighten and pressurise into having work done which often isn’t necessary at all.

“They will usually only accept cash and often leave none or very limited paperwork as they do not want to be traced once the work is done.”

People are being urged to deal with callers at their door in the following way:

Be on your guard if someone turns up unexpected­ly.

Keep front and back doors locked. Fit a door chain or bar - use it and keep it on when talking to callers at the door.

If you’re not sure, don’t answer the door. Don’t feel embarrasse­d - genuine callers expect you to be careful.

Always ask for identifica­tion badges of anyone you answer the door to, but don’t rely on them.

Identity cards can be faked - phone the company to verify their identity. Don’t worry about keeping the person waiting outside - a genuine official will not mind waiting.

Anyone agreeing to a contract in their own home costing more than £42 is legally entitled to a 14-day cancellati­on period where they can change their mind.

If you are not given cancellati­on rights, do not sign up. Never agree to pay for any goods or services to anyone trying to business at your door.

Don’t keep large amounts of money in your home. Remember, it’s your home. There’s no reason why anyone should ever enter your home against your wishes.

If you feel in danger or threatened at any time call 999 immediatel­y.

Also, be wary of leaflets posted through your door offering services - this can be just another way an unscrupulo­us trader will attempt to persuade you to have work done.

Anyone who needs work doing on their property or garden is urged to use a reputable local trader recommende­d and used by friends or family, or someone who has been vetted and is part of Trustmark, the government-endorsed scheme for all trades in and around the home. Trustmark can be contacted on 0333 555 1234

For more informatio­n on scams click here.

Anyone who has been the victim of a scam should contact Action Fraud (UK’S National Fraud Office) on 0300 123 2040.

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