Cumnock Chronicle

Carnival to return


CUMNOCK’S carnival is set to make a welcome return next month.

Organised by Cumnock Community Council, the day will offer fair ground rides, food stalls, raffles, fire engines, vintage cars and much more.

Building on from last year’s festival, the community council hopes to make the event an annual fixture, and bring back something like Cumnock once had in the 70s and 80s.

This year’s carnival will take place on Sunday, May 26 from noon to 4pm at the Ayr Road car park, where Cumnock Academy once stood.

Stalls are still available for hire, costing £30 for a business, or £20 for a member of the public.

Anyone wishing to sell food at the carnival must provide copy of their food hygiene as well.

Unlimited wristbands for all the rides will be available on the day for £5.

Bruce Lorimer of Cumnock Community Council said he hopes the day can become something that people from the community and beyond can enjoy.

He said: “We want to bring something back to Cumnock and make it a day that people can enjoy with their families and get involved in what’s going on.

“Cumnock used to have a great history with things like this and stuff happening up the woodroad, so that’s why we want to make it annual event.

“There’s been a lot of hard work gone into this. Hugh Murdoch, his wife, Evelyn, and chair Helen McLean, as well as the rest of the community council are all looking forward to the day.

“There will also be a beat the goalie put on by Derek King from the Cumnock Juniors Community Enterprise.

“All in, we’re hoping the weather stays nice for the day, but I’m sure everyone that comes along will have a great afternoon anyway.”

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