Cycling Weekly

how to… digital detox


Have you ever thought about taking the electronic thingy off your handlebars? Thought not. But try this: grasp the device, twist, and pull. Put it somewhere safe.

Next time you ride, observe the stunning view of your front tyre this action will have revealed. You’ll probably find you get bored of the tyre quite quickly, at which point you might try lifting your head and gazing around you.

There will be all sorts of sights you’ve never seen before. The green stuff is grass. The black and white things are cows. The fluffy things are sheep. Note that this feature is location sensitive — if you live where I do the only thing you need to know at this time of year is that the brown stuff is mud, and you’ll probably return your attention to the tyre pretty quickly.

Note that the fact you have nothing to upload to Strava does not, contrary to what you might have been told, mean that it didn’t happen. It doesn’t even mean that it didn’t happen quickly, or with a truly massive FTP. (If you don’t know what 'FTP' stands for, trust me, you don’t want to.)

You may find, of course, that the cold turkey approach suggested above isn’t for you. In which case, take a small piece of cardboard, draw a ‘screen’ on it. Write ‘112km, 39kph, 396W, 149bpm’ on it. Affix it to the mount you removed the electronic thingy from. You may find you even prefer it.

 ??  ?? Now, are you sure this ride actually happened?
Now, are you sure this ride actually happened?

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