Cycling Weekly

Aeropress GO £44.99


There are more parts to the Aeropress GO than the pour-over style coffee makers or the moka pot-esque GSI Mini Espresso. Still, it is rather simpler than the Wacaco Picopresso. Brewing with the Aeropress GO (using the ‘inverted’ method which I prefer) consists of:

1. Place the plunger rubber-side up on level surface.

2. Slide the coffee chamber onto the plunger so that it covers all of the rubber.

3. Put the coffee in.

4. Fill halfway up with hot water and stir.

5. Fill up to the brim.

6. Place a paper filter in the plastic basket and lock this on top.

7. Brew for around 2 minutes.

8. Turn upside down and press into the Aeropress cup.

It’s a little more complicate­d, but it gives a bit of a stronger coffee than a classic pour over or French press, although not as strong as a moka pot coffee.

As the cup is integrated into the brewer, the Aeropress GO is very compact indeed. That said, factor in the coffee grounds pot and it ends up being bulkier than the Stanley Pour Over.

On the other hand, by making the coffee a little stronger and pouring half into the lid of your thermos, there’s the potential for enjoying two cups of coffee without the need for additional time or kit. Unfortunat­ely, as it’s made from plastic, it shows wear over time. I’ve owned one for four years – used only for travelling – and the plunger looks scuzzy. By contrast, I’ve used a stainless steel moka pot every day for five years, and it looks as good as new.

However, it remains the best option of all the makers I’ve used, and is what I always reach for when packing my kit.

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