
The core players


External abdominal oblique

Located on the side and front of the abdomen, the internal and external obliques support sideways movement and provide stability.

Rectus abdominus

The muscle along the front of the abdomen known as your six-pack and is primarily used for movement and supporting your back.

Internal abdominal oblique

Located under the external obliques, running in the opposite direction.

Transversu­s abdominis

The deepest core muscle is located under the obliques and wraps around the spine for protection and stability.

Latissimus dorsus

Your lats are part of your back but are also considered core muscles and help stabilise the body during movement.

Erector spinae

The erector spinae is a major muscle group in the back that runs vertically along the spine and helps the abs support the torso.

Linea alba

Running down the middle of the abdomen, this fibrous structure separates the two sides of the rectus abdominus.

Gluteus maximus

The biggest of the three muscles that make up your posterior. Strong glutes are essential for smooth movement of the hips.

Know the muscles that support your efforts in the saddle

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