
Vital signs


These are the warning signs that you’re taking your training too far, says cycling coach Paul Butler

Catching a cold or getting a sore throat, a virus or an infection. This can indicate your immune system is low from overtraini­ng, so if it’s happening repeatedly, take a break.

Not feeling like you actually want to go out training. This isn’t the same as having to motivate yourself just because it’s wet or freezing cold outside. By keeping a training diary you can learn to identify the difference.

Feelings of anger or depression, being grumpy or irrational or simply having a lack of vigour. Ask friends and family if they’ve noticed any changes.

Increased resting heart rate upon waking. An extra 10 beats is considered an increase. Obviously it helps to know your resting heart rate in the first place!

Sore muscles over and above your normal reaction to training.

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