Cynon Valley

Science of dieting put under the microscope



JIMMY Doherty, Kate Quilton and Matt Tebbutt present a Food Unwrapped summer diets special, with help from super-slimmers who are sharing the secrets of their dieting success. But is there any hard scientific evidence to back up their amazing dieting success stories?

Kate checks out miso soup – flavour-rich and calorie-thin, it’s been touted as the perfect diet aid.

But can something so thin and watery possibly keep you feeling full?

Kate meets a professor whose cutting-edge research may hold the key to miso’s alleged weightloss properties.

Kate also tackles the apple cider vinegar diet. According to the glossies, it’s the latest A-list favourite, with models and Hollywood movie stars extolling its virtues.

However, can drinking regular shots of vinegar really help you lose weight?

Meanwhile, Jimmy’s keen to learn how Italians can load up on carbohydra­te-rich pasta but as a nation be so much slimmer than us.

A visit to the world’s largest pasta factory throws up some surprising facts – perhaps pasta isn’t necessaril­y the dieting demon it’s been painted as?

And one of the superslimm­ers claims she can eat whatever she likes, from bacon butties to chocolate, without any effect on her waistline.

She puts it down to her gut bacteria. Can this possibly be true?

To investigat­e, Jimmy meets the man behind the British Gut Project, who believes a change in Jimmy’s diet can alter the make-up of his gut bacteria.

 ??  ?? Jimmy Doherty goes in search of the perfect diet
Jimmy Doherty goes in search of the perfect diet

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