Cynon Valley

Free tech on offer for children with sight loss


FAMILIES of children with sight loss can now apply for a free iPad, courtesy of the charity Guide Dogs.

The scheme, entitled Tech For All, is open to children aged three to 18 with a vision impairment and provides them with an iPad tablet to use outside school.

Stocks are limited, so parents are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to avoid missing out.

Guide Dogs piloted the scheme last year and found it improved the confidence, creativity and independen­ce of young people.

“We know from our research how important access to technology is and Tech for All is designed to empower children with sight loss with the tools they need to be more engaged, confident and keep pace with peers,” said Emma Foulds, director of marketing and strategy at Guide Dogs.

“Whether it is FaceTiming with friends, playing games, reading or learning, the accessibil­ity features on an iPad can be key to unlocking the world for a child with a vision impairment; discoverin­g their passions and maximising their potential.”

Six-year-old Corben Elliott, of Pentwyn, Cardiff, uses his iPad for photograph­y and zooms in on the photos to see the detail.

His mother Cecilia says it has also brought him closer to his family and friends via FaceTime and gaming.

“Corben is my youngest child of four so, when I was feeding him at six weeks old and he wasn’t focusing on me and I could see his eyes were swaying back and forth, I knew something wasn’t right,” said Mrs Elliott.

“It took forever to get a diagnosis because they just kept watching and waiting. They took an eye scan of the back of his eyes at 16 months old and that’s when we got the diagnosis of foveal hypoplasia, nystagmus and myopia.

“I didn’t really appreciate the difference an iPad would make for Corben and we couldn’t really be without it now. It’s amazing what Corben can do with it.

“He takes photos and shares them with the family, and they share photos back. He loves animals, so his auntie in Manchester gets all the photos of frogs.”

Guide Dogs has created digital learning resources to support families in using the iPads and help them get the most out of their device.

The resources, which will be made available for everyone to access on the Guide Dogs website, include guidance on setting up the iPads and using accessibil­ity features.

For more informatio­n about the Tech For All scheme and Guide Dogs’ other services, visit www.

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