Cynon Valley

Bereaved mum has mental health message for men

- ROBERT DALLING Reporter rob.dalling@walesonlin­

A BEREAVED mum has sent a poignant message to young men contemplat­ing suicide in the hope they will not follow the same tragic path her son did.

Geraint David Edwards was discovered at Rosehill Quarry in Mount Pleasant, Swansea, on June 15, 2020, after he was the subject of a “high-risk missing person’s search” which involved South Wales Police’s territoria­l support team.

An inquest heard how the former Llanharan Comprehens­ive School pupil, who had represente­d Wales at the Homeless World Cup, had experience­d issues with depression for most of his life, and a suicide conclusion was recorded. He was just 26.

His mum, Joanne Hedges, has addressed anyone who may be in a similar situation to her son following the success of a mediumship charity night at Samlet Social Club which was attended by more than 100 people and saw more than £2,000 raised for Mind.

She said: “I want to reach out to people because there are a lot of impulsive people who act in the moment. Suicide is a long-term cure to a short-term problem. I know it’s not easy – there is a fog and you can’t see the wood from the trees.

“I’ve had dark nights after I lost Geraint and can almost put myself in that place but I know tomorrow is another day. Even though you’re in that moment then tomorrow will always be something different and won’t be as dark and gloomy.

“I’d say just go to sleep and get out of that moment. I do honestly believe that Geraint wouldn’t have done what he did if I got to him.”

Ms Hedges touched upon the success of the evening and explained what she plans to do next to try to prevent further tragedies.

Speaking of the event, she said: “It was very, very positive. People were asking where they could get help and people were speaking to Mind and taking leaflets away. I had no end of messages afterwards from people saying they took so much from the event.

“I also had lots of people who were full of admiration for me, personally, asking me things like ‘how do you do it?’ and how long has it been since I lost Geraint. There were other people there who had lost children as well and I suppose they could pick up something from it themselves.

“I spoke on the night and explained how I wanted to keep Geraint’s memory alive and if I could help one more person then I’ll be really happy.

“I’m hoping people will speak out and not leave it as late as Geraint did. If people can just speak to their families.

“The event raised £2,119.50 in total and we had more than 100 people there.

I couldn’t have done it without the help and support of my friends and donations from businesses. It’s not something you can do on your own.

“I’d like to thank everybody. Without everybody’s help it wouldn’t have gone ahead.

“My next step is to create a YouTube blog on the after-effects of suicide showing the aftermath on a family who are left devastated and showing that other side so if people are watching it it might make them stop and realise how loved they are. Even though they may not feel it in that moment, it leaves families devastated.”

For confidenti­al support the Samaritans can be contacted for free around the clock 365 days a year on 116 123.

 ?? ?? Jan Lewis, Lesley Ball, Claire Hanford, mum Joanne Hedges and mediums Rob Parkes and Ricky Dee
Jan Lewis, Lesley Ball, Claire Hanford, mum Joanne Hedges and mediums Rob Parkes and Ricky Dee
 ?? ?? Geraint pictured at the Homeless World Cup in Mexico
Geraint pictured at the Homeless World Cup in Mexico

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