Daily Express

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- Each week our experts Dr AAMER KHAN and LESLEY REYNOLDS bring you the latest beauty news and anti- ageing advice

LIP enhancemen­t has long been one of the most talked about procedures, probably because when it goes wrong the results are so obvious.

The dreaded “trout pout” gave lip fillers a bad name, however with the right doctor not only is that overdone look completely avoidable but the right procedure can take years off your appearance.

Your lips start to thin and lose definition from your early 30s and by your late 30s results can be obvious, particular­ly in smokers.

Thankfully help is at hand with our advice for achieving a perfect pout. PROBLEM: WRINKLES If your lips are crepey and covered in fine lines then Restylane Lip Refresh could be the answer. This injectable treatment hydrates the lips as well as smoothing wrinkles.

It works by delivering minuscule quantities of hyaluronic acid to the upper and lower lips to boost hydration levels. There may be some temporary swelling or redness but it will disappear in a few days. Results last around six months. Expect to pay from £ 350. PROBLEM: LINES AROUND THE MOUTH Vertical lines around the mouth are a problem for many women and are usually caused by genetics, smoking or too much exposure to the sun.

You can soften these lines with a laser treatment such as Smartxide CO2. The laser makes tiny holes in the skin which, as the area heals, boosts collagen production leading to tighter, thicker skin.

The mouth area will be quite red for three days or so and will also peel, so you need to factor this recovery time into your treatment. The procedure costs from £ 500 and results will last up to three years. PROBLEM: NO NATURAL

POUT The latest trend in Hollywood is the lip lift. During this procedure the upper lip is shortened by making an incision in the crease under the nose and reposition­ing the lip to help create a more obvious pout.

Since the scar is hidden in the crease below the nose, there should be no obvious signs that any work has been done. The procedure can cost from £ 3,000. PROBLEM: UNDEFINED LIPS Semi- permanent make- up can add definition, making lips look plumper without the use of fillers. Lips are numbed before pigment is injected to give the appearance of a defined lip line.

Your lips may be swollen for a few days afterwards and results last for up to two years. Expect to pay from £ 800. PROBLEM: THIN LIPS There are many different injectable­s available that can boost the lip area but always use a non- permanent filler made from hyaluronic acid.

This natural ingredient is broken down over time by the body and can also be dissolved if the results are not to your liking.

Never go for a permanent filler, which can cause problems such as those suffered by the actress Leslie Ash a few years ago.

If you are looking for a particular­ly subtle result, a small amount of filler injected into the corners of the mouth can help restore the shape of the lips. Expect to pay from £ 350.

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