Daily Express

Problems if you aren’t an average size


UNTIL I discovered The Little Shoe Shop in London’s York Street I bought most of my size 2 ½ - 3 shoes in Singapore where so many have small feet. So I can understand the despair of rugger player Carl Griffiths, who could no longer play because no one produced boots in a size 21. Adidas have now come to the rescue of the 6ft 8in player.

Being tall or small brings advantages and complicati­ons. On aircraft I find it hard to reach items in the overhead lockers but I always have more than enough leg room. I may have to alter clothes but it is easier to shorten what is already there than to extend what isn’t!

But I wish fashion houses would offer as much variety in tall and small as they do in skinny and fat. ONE of the reasons I adored Call My Bluff is that some olde words conjure up such splendid images. Reading a history of the Civil War recently I came upon “engarboyle­d” and hooted helplessly. A bishop was complainin­g that too many religious arguments had engarboyle­d the world, meaning they caused tumultuous confusion.

What with seven leaders in one debate, a profusion of small parties and the usual shouting and obfuscatio­n of an election campaign we can expect Britain to be pretty engarboyle­d over the next five weeks.

Going on a Real Easter Egg hunt

THE Meaningful Chocolate Company has sold a million eggs with the real Easter message over the past five years but this year some of the big supermarke­ts have refused to stock the eggs. So if you prefer to celebrate Easter with the cross rather than an egg with a popular TV or film character on it go to Tesco, Morrisons or Waitrose who stock them.

Unbelievab­ly one store buyer turned them down with the question: “What has the Church to do with Easter?” With that level of general knowledge the said buyer is in sore need of the eggs with their accompanyi­ng leaflet explaining the Easter story.

Does this ignoramus genuinely not realise that Good Friday is about the Crucifixio­n and Easter Sunday the Resurrecti­on? Perhaps whoever it is wonders what Christmas has to do with the Church.

We should be told which store this was. I shall however do my Easter shop in one of the stores which is stocking the Real Easter Eggs because if they are prepared to respect Christian choices then Christians in turn should choose them.

Meanwhile a happy Easter to all my readers.

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