Daily Express

Cowgirl taking on farming’s most dangerous job

She may be only 24 but as the new warden of Britain’s most fearsome breed of cattle Ellie Crossley is more than a match for the wild herd

- By Sadie Nicholas

ELLIE CROSSLEY may not have known it at the time but she cut her teeth as a fearless cowgirl while growing up in the Dorset countrysid­e. Her family had grown fond of a stag that would regularly force its way round a fence into their garden in Wareham, trampling the flowerbeds looking for food.

But they were reminded of the raw animal instincts of this majestic creature one day when aged 11 Ellie was shutting the chickens in their coop and the stag attacked her, goring her thighs with its antlers.

Although she required stitches and still bears the scars, astonishin­gly the incident cemented her adoration of nature.

“It made me love the countrysid­e even more and I knew I wanted to work with land animals,” says Ellie, 24, whose father works with lifeboats while her mother is from a fishing family.

Today she is two months into her job as warden of the Chillingha­m wild cattle in Northumbri­a, the first female warden in the herd’s almost 800- year history.

A few centuries ago wild cattle were common in Britain but by the beginning of the 20th century only four wild herds remained. They either died off or were domesticat­ed and Chillingha­m is the sole survivor.

With just 120 in the herd, including eight calves born this year, it’s the oldest breed in the world and the distinctiv­e white beasts are now rarer than the giant panda.

Once prized for sport – men would hunt them with bows, arrows and spears – they have never been kept for meat or milk. Incredibly they remain untouched by human hand, not even a vet has attended them.

The only interventi­on of sorts comes in winter when Ellie tosses bales of hay over the fence to supplement their diet until the grass greens up come the spring.

Just how did Ellie, who studied countrysid­e management at college and worked on farms with domestic cattle, sheep and ponies, become a modern- day cowgirl? “A friend saw the job advertised and thought I was the perfect candidate,” explains Ellie. “And I thought, ‘ Well I’ve got to at least apply because it’s the Chillingha­m wild cattle!’

“I learned about them at college and they’re unique, there’s nothing else like them in the world. But they are wild animals and that means I’ve got to be on my toes looking out for signs of aggression. When they are submissive they will turn their heads away from you. When they are pawing the ground it’s a sign of aggression. When they make eye contact it’s their way of saying, ‘ Don’t mess with me.’

“The previous warden told me there were times he’d had to make a swift exit over a fence when cattle had sneaked up behind him while he was doing a guided tour. And early in the 20th century a warden was attacked by a bull he’d thought was dead. You’ve got to be quick.”

Ellie isn’t kidding. The cattle can charge at speeds of 30mph and a bull weighs up to 600kg.

“They’re smaller than domestic cattle where a bull would weigh the best part of a tonne,” Ellie says of her charges which roam in an enclosed park at medieval Chillingha­m Castle near Alnwick. “Chillingha­m cows live to about 15 or 16 years old while the life expectancy of a bull is about 13 years.

“The cattle mate all year round and males will sometimes be gored to death during fights, though that hasn’t happened in recent years. Typically the loser will just be rejected from the herd for a while but some bulls have lost an eye or the tips of their horns fighting for a mate.”

SHE admits the greatest challenge has been learning to stand back and allow nature to take its course: “With domestic cattle if I saw a calf in trouble it was my job to step in and make sure it survived. Now, I have to stay back. It’s survival of the fittest with the Chillingha­m cattle – you can’t intervene or call a vet.

“But it was difficult watching one calf perish. Thankfully others I thought were going to die have pulled through.”

Now the park has reopened to tourists for the summer season Ellie gives hourly tours to groups eager to get close to these wild beasts. And every visitor has burning questions for her to answer. “Farmers and history buffs want to know about disease and the cattle in centuries gone by, whereas children always ask, ‘ Will the cattle attack me and what do you do with the dead ones’?” laughs Ellie. Dead cattle are taken to the woods and left to nature’s scavengers.

With the exception of those bearing battle scars most of the cattle look the same but Ellie admits to a soft spot for some of them. “There are two old bulls who hang around at the bottom of the park for a quiet life and I call them Stuart and Nigel after two cantankero­us old characters I knew back in Dorset,” she adds.

And with that, it’s time to don her crocheted hat and head back into the blustery wilds.

For more informatio­n: chillingha­mwildcattl­e. com

 ??  ?? WILD AT HEART: Ellie is the first female warden in the unique Chillingha­m cattle herd’s 800- year history
WILD AT HEART: Ellie is the first female warden in the unique Chillingha­m cattle herd’s 800- year history

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