Daily Express

Builder conned widow, 83 out of £ 28k life savings

- By John Twomey

A BUILDER who fleeced a lonely widow out of £ 28,500 after befriendin­g her has been jailed.

Scheming Sean Donohoe posed as the 83- year- old’s confidant and financial adviser. He convinced her to change her will so he would inherit everything she had.

And, unknown to her, he took out two life insurance policies on her, naming himself as beneficiar­y. He also persuaded her to allow him direct access to her accounts.

For two years Donohoe, 30, plundered the woman’s savings to pay off loans and gambling debts and go on shopping trips and days out. He was caught after Department for Work and Pensions officials discovered that her accounts were overdrawn.

Police found four credit cards he had taken out in her name, Birmingham Crown Court heard. Donohoe, of Tamworth, Staffs, admitted theft and fraud and was jailed for 21 months. Judge Francis Laird QC told him: “You befriended her, you became a close friend and confidant. She absolutely trusted you with her financial affairs.

“You abused that trust in every conceivabl­e way. She effectivel­y handed over her money to you.

“She was an elderly lady, alone and highly vulnerable to a dishonest individual such as yourself.”

Donohoe first met the widow when he carried out work at her home in Birmingham.

After the case, the unnamed victim said: “I thought he was a good person but I was wrong.

“I was left with no money and worried about paying my bills. I am still shocked and upset.”

 ??  ?? Mum Nicola with Caitlin and son Dylan
Mum Nicola with Caitlin and son Dylan
 ??  ?? Donohoe betrayed trust
Donohoe betrayed trust

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