Daily Express

Defoe tells why he cried on the telly

- Jason Mellor

JERMAIN DEFOE has compared his wonder goal which beat Newcastle to scoring for England at the World Cup.

The striker, 32, carved his name into Sunderland folklore with his stunning volley in the 1- 0 Wear- Tyne derby triumph on Sunday.

The moment brought Defoe to tears at half- time, a special goal on a special day.

He said: “It was great to be the person to make so many people happy. When you’re a young kid playing football you just want to play in massive games.

“When the goal went in, I had to keep reminding myself that it was all real.

“The only thing I can liken this goal to in terms of the feeling it gave me was scoring for England in a World Cup [ in 2010]. It’s right up there with my most memorable.”

As he left the pitch at the interval, he was in tears, further demonstrat­ing how he has taken on board, during his fi rst three months at the club, exactly what the local turf war means to fans.

“I think that since I’ve been here I have proved that I understand how big the club is and how much the people here love their football,” said Defoe.

“I showed that I’m quite an emotional person.

“As the whistle went for TEARS FOR CHEERS: Defoe dries his eyes after his wonder goal half- time and as I was walking down the tunnel, I thought to myself ‘ I’m crying and I’m on the telly here’, but I didn’t care.

“For the fans and everyone it was just a special day and the whole occasion really got to me.

“I’ve always been a heart on the sleeve kind of person, but I think that’s because I’m quite old school.”

Head coach Dick Advocaat had gone down the emotional route in appealing to the sensibilit­ies of his players in the prelude to a fi rst victory in nine games that lifted Sunderland three points clear of the relegation zone.

Defoe added: “The manager said to us beforehand that we were lucky to be playing in a game like this. There are so many young kids who wish they could play.

“To be blessed enough and to score the winner is amazing.

“Going on to the bus towards the game and seeing everyone near the hotel wanting autographs, there were so many fans there that I felt wow, this is


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