Daily Express

2 weeks from avoiding economic nightmare

- By Macer Hall

THE Tories have just two weeks to save Britain from the “economic chaos” of a Labour government propped up by the SNP, David Cameron is warning.

In an email today to Conservati­ve Party members, the Prime Minister will urge activists to drasticall­y step up their fight to deliver a Tory majority at the General Election.


His direct appeal to the Tory grassroots follows growing concern in the party’s ranks about the lack of a substantia­l lead over Labour.

Mr Cameron says in the email: “We’ve learnt from the polls that every vote is crucial. We need just 23 seats to stop the SNP/ Miliband nightmare – one that would hit everyone in the pocket.

“We’ve got just two weeks to make our case: The case for a stronger economy and brighter future for Britain. Nothing less than the future of your family depends upon it.” His message will be seen as an attempt to inject some urgency into the Tory campaign after criticism of “negative” tactics and a lacklustre approach.

Mr Cameron said: “We’ve learnt that Ed Miliband would spend, tax and borrow more than anyone feared – and that would hit your family hard.

“We’ve learnt that there is only one party that can deliver the security the people of Britain need: The Conservati­ve Party.”

London Mayor Boris Johnson yesterday joined Mr Cameron on the campaign trail and admitted it would be “wonderful” to be seen as a potential Tory leader.

Visiting a nursery school where he did a little hand- painting, he said: “In the dim, distant future, it would be a wonderful thing to be thought to be in a position to be considered for such an honour. But I think it highly unlikely.”

 ??  ?? Hands up if you’re a true blue... Boris Johnson and the PM on a visit to a school in Surbiton, south London, yesterday
Hands up if you’re a true blue... Boris Johnson and the PM on a visit to a school in Surbiton, south London, yesterday

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