Daily Express

Teacher ‘ abused boy at Osborne’s school’

- By John Twomey

A TEACHER at Chancellor George Osborne’s former public school appeared in court yesterday accused of molesting a boy under 14.

Carol Chandler was charged with three counts of indecent assault and two of gross indecency at St Paul’s School in Barnes, south- west London, between 1983 and 1985.

She spoke only to confirm her identity at a brief hearing at Southwark Crown Court in London yesterday.

Chandler, 53, from Wellington, Shropshire, was released on bail on the condition that Teacher Carol Chandler outside Southwark Crown Court yesterday in London where she faced historic sex abuse charges she does not contact directly or indirectly any prosecutio­n witnesses.

She is due to appear court again on July 9.

The teacher was arrested as part of a Scotland Yard inquiry into historic sex allegation­s called Operation Winthorpe.

Officers are investigat­ing alleged historic offences at St Paul’s and its prep school Colet Court.

It is ranked as one of the top public schools in the

in country, along with Harrow, Winchester Shrewsbury.

The annual fee for boarders is £ 32,600 and £ 21,700 for pupils just attending classes.

Other former pupils include broadcaste­r Dan Snow, playwright Patrick Marber and former Attorney General Dominic Grieve.

Establishe­d in 1509 near St Paul’s Cathedral in the City of London, the original school perished in the Great Fire of London in 1666. St Paul’s moved to its current 45- acre site by the Thames in 1968. Eton,


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