Daily Express

I’ll get revenge, vows MP accused of sex crimes

- By Macer Hall Political Editor

A LABOUR MP accused of sex crimes against boys yesterday insisted: “I am not a paedophile.”

The politician, reported to police over a series of allegation­s, claims to have been a victim of a smear campaign and has vowed revenge.

Details of a complaint to police about the former Labour minister who has not been publicly identified emerged a week ago.

He is said to have had boys “delivered” to a hotel and showed an “unhealthy” interest in two sons of a councillor. The MP was also accused of being arrested for drink driving and assaulting a policeman – but that he was let off after using his influence to avoid prosecutio­n.

Two other MPs, one of whom is a Tory, are understood to have made independen­t complaints.

It was also alleged the Labour MP was linked to a rent- boy brothel and used his position to dissuade police from prosecutin­g. He told a newspaper yesterday: “I am completely innocent of these outrageous accusation­s. They are malicious and unfounded… I am not some kind of Jimmy Savile figure. I am not gay, I am happily married.

“To suggest I have been abusing young boys is disgusting and baseless. I am deeply hurt by what has been said about me. My wife was horrified and knows it is rubbish. She told me it is typical of the nonsense that goes on in politics.”

The MP said of one of his accusers: “I know which Conservati­ve MP is making these untrue claims and I will get revenge on him. He is worth millions and I intend to sue him.

“These allegation­s are being made against me because I am a politician in a powerful position.

“The idea that it would have even been possible for me to do these things is madness. I rarely go anywhere unaccompan­ied or use hotels. The drink- driving claim is ridiculous. I don’t drink alcohol.”

The MP added he had not been approached by police and “I don’t expect them to do so”.

The Tory MP who made a complaint was reported as saying: “This MP has got away with criminal conduct for years by using his power as an MP and influence.”

Police have declined to comment.

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