Daily Express


- By Giles Sheldrick

THE dementia epidemic is so severe almost every family in Britain lives in fear of being struck down, research shows.

Incurable brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s are causing more anxiety than cancer, heart attack or stroke, the study revealed.

Most of us fear life would be over after diagnosis, it found, and some even worry it means they have gone mad.

The research for the Alzheimer’s Society suggests there is widespread panic over an illness forecast to strike two million Britons by 2030. Half the 2,000 adults polled said if they experience­d confusion or memory problems they would wait until the problem affected work or personal life before visiting their GP.

Yesterday, the charity’s chief executive Jeremy Hughes said: “We know dementia is the most feared health condition of our time and there’s no question it can have a devastatin­g impact on people, their family and friends but getting a timely diagnosis will enable people to live as well as possible. It’s time for everyone to confront dementia.”

The findings reveal tens of thousands of people are putting off seeing their GP because they believe diagnosis means a life sentence.

The research shows one in four believes dementia will stop them going for a walk on their own.

Nearly two-thirds believe they would struggle to join in conversati­ons while half worry that people will think they had gone crazy. A similar number say it would mean they could no longer enjoy everyday activities while a fifth believe they could lose their partner or friends.

The survey, by YouGov, comes in Dementia Awareness Week.

Alzheimer’s Society warns failure to go for diagnosis is denying patients the chance of the best treatment, informatio­n and support.

It also means tens of thousands are not planning while they still have the mental capacity to make crucial decisions.

Joy Watson, 57, from Manchester, became increasing­ly clumsy and forgetful from the age of 50. She was diagnosed with earlyonset dementia but only after being told she had depression.

She said: “When my GP finally told me I had Alzheimer’s – after six years of battling with symptoms and not knowing what the cause was – I felt huge relief.

“For so long I didn’t know or understand what was wrong. All I needed was a diagnosis to be able to move forward with my life. Now I can. I’m proof that diagnosis is nothing to be afraid of.”

Rachel Thompson, of Dementia UK, said: “This report highlights that there is much more to be done to change perception­s.”

Professor Christian Holscher, of Lancaster University, said: “Fortunatel­y there are promising clinical drug trials.”

 ??  ?? Joy Watson, 57, who has early-onset Alzheimer’s, with husband Tony
Joy Watson, 57, who has early-onset Alzheimer’s, with husband Tony

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