Daily Express

We can walk on water in any shoes


LAST week we saw receptioni­st Nicola Thorp being sent home for not wearing heels in the office. But even a woman’s walk at work can be political. A friend who has given up corporate life to become a personal trainer, said that if she walked quickly around the office men would feel the urge to add comments such as “what’s the rush?” or “you are a busy bee” whereas a man walking fast was considered powerful and determined and a sight that raised zero comment. Little do they know that as women we also walk on water, run on coffee and float – dreamily– on alcohol. IF you would like to ask a favour, build instant trust and create empathy then make a superfluou­s apology for something for which you are not responsibl­e. “Sorry about the rain” is a phrase that can help you to make friends. According to four studies this form of apology demonstrat­es concern and motivates trust. Who would have thought our intemperat­e weather could be manna from heaven?


HIS year marks the 25th anniversar­y of Linda McCartney founding her meat-free food brand. The quarter century since has seen the number of vegetarian­s double with a seven per cent decline in per capita red meat consumptio­n as well.

Back in the early 1990s famous vegetarian­s such as Linda were widely considered to be cranks. Only a few years ago when a friend told her mother I was coming to dinner (I have been a non-meat eater for more than 20 years) she replied: “A vegetarian? I wouldn’t allow one of those in the house.”

Get creative with vegetables today – rave your tastebuds, save the planet and sort your health. WWW.REALCOACHI­NGCO.COM

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