Daily Express


- EXCLUSIVE By David Maddox

A BID is underway to get Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson to team up as an “irresistib­le force” in the battle for a Brexit vote.

The Daily Express has learnt that Brexit campaign group Grassroots Out is pressing for the two biggest hitters in the efforts to throw off Brussels rule to share a platform and push home the message in the final weeks of the campaign.

It comes as a new TNS poll shows Leave three points ahead with just over five weeks to go before the historic vote on June 23.

Many in the Brexit campaign now believe that victory can be sealed if the Ukip leader and former London mayor team up.

Mr Johnson has been involved with the Vote Leave team, which is the official lead Brexit group in the Referendum campaign, while Mr Farage has been a leading figure in Grassroots Out.

The two groups had different strategies and were at one point rivals for the official designatio­n to lead the Brexit campaign, but since then efforts have been underway for them to work together.

Senior figures from Vote Leave, including cabinet minister Chris Grayling, have taken part in the popular Grassroots Out rallies around the country, sharing a platform with Mr Farage.

And now a senior source from Grassroots Out has confirmed that discussion­s have been held to try to get the two stars of the referendum campaign teamed up.

The source added: “We think that Boris and Nigel would make an irresistib­le force if we can get them together.” The move follows Mr Johnson receiving public acclaim as he has toured the country in the Vote Leave Battle Bus.

Yesterday both men suggested they are prepared to team up if it could be arranged.

Mr Johnson said: “This is a diverse and ecumenical campaign...we will see what happens...”

But he left the final decision to the Vote Leave team, which is being headed by Tory Justice Secretary Michael Gove.

Mr Johnson said: “I am very much in the hands of Vote Leave. They are my mentors in this matter.”

Over the weekend Mr Farage signalled his admiration for the former London mayor by publicly backing him to be Britain’s next premier. Yesterday he told the Daily Express: “Of course, I’ve always wanted to share a platform with Boris. As I have said, time and time again, I’ll share a platform with anybody within reason in order to free our country from the EU.”

However the decision to choose Mr Farage to take on David Cameron in the ITV television debate has caused controvers­y because Vote Leave believed it should pick the Prime Minister’s opponent.

The TNS poll revealed that undecided voters are beginning to switch to Leave as the crucial final weeks of the campaign get underway.

The poll of 1,222 voters gave Leave 41 per cent to Remain’s 38 per cent, in a sign that the Project Fear campaign waged by the PM and other EU supporters has badly backfired.It is the first time the pro-Brexit camp has been ahead in a TNS poll and showed support for Leave climbing five points while backing for Remain fell one per cent.

Luke Taylor, head of social and political attitudes at TNS UK, said: “This poll suggests that we are seeing movement from undecided voters towards the Leave camp, though we will need to wait until the next poll to see if this is a trend or random variation.

“Although this poll is the first time that we have seen a lead for Leave, the race remains very tight. With five weeks to go until the referendum it remains all to play for.”

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 ?? Picture: FACUNDA ARRIZABALA­GA/REUTERS ?? ‘Negative’ ...David Cameron speaks in London yesterday
Picture: FACUNDA ARRIZABALA­GA/REUTERS ‘Negative’ ...David Cameron speaks in London yesterday

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