Daily Express

Case should never have gone to court


WHY did the case of the school matron accused of giving a schoolboy Mars bars in return for sex ever get to court when it took the jury only an hour to acquit her on all counts?

The accuser said she carried on this conduct for six months but she was at the school for only four weeks.

It was claimed she took him up to her room to watch TV but then it transpired there had never been a television set there.

As these facts emerged he changed his account.

Interestin­gly, he was suing the school for a large amount of money and presumably a conviction would have helped.

Why, oh, why didn’t the police come upon this evidence in the course of their own investigat­ions? How did this case get through them and also the CPS only to be laughed out of court? And why is the complainan­t not himself being prosecuted for wasting police time and making malicious allegation­s?

Shockingly the man involved is now a teacher. But I am also slightly shocked by the picture of the accused – looking very pregnant and smoking.

Take a note, Matron, and pull your socks up.

Babies every bit as important as the mothers

THE call by Cathy Warwick, chief executive of the Royal College of Midwives, to scrap the time limit on abortions has infuriated her members who were not consulted. Matters have hardly been helped by a spokeswoma­n for the RCM claiming that the purpose of the college is “to be advocates for women”. No, it is to look after the interests of both women and babies.

There can be precious few women who do not want the midwife to worry about the health of their babies and who do not want the person who delivers their child to regard it as a vital, living being rather than merely as a choice.

The board of the RCM should hold the chief executive to account.

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