Daily Express

Our top astrologer

Celebratin­g today: former footballer Nobby Stiles, 74, and actress Tina Fey, 46.

- Lori Reid

Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20 Stuff happens, as they say, Aries. The important thing is how you deal with developmen­ts that happen out of the blue. Just remember that words are powerful so take care not to speak out of turn. Call me to hear why it’s time to get involved.

Taurus Apr 21 – May 21 Finding your equilibriu­m is your mission today. With fate throwing a googly or two, you do need to watch your step. The stars show you brimming with confidence again at the weekend. Call me to hear why money management needs more effort.

Gemini May 22 – June 21 Technologi­cal or communicat­ion blips could upset the apple-cart today. But you’re bound to come up with a clever way around the problem. By the weekend, your sparkle is restored once more. Call me to hear why you have a new purpose in mind.

Cancer June 22 – July 23 Stick to the rules today. Jarring trends and an upcoming full moon create pressure. Electronic equipment could misfire or else a domestic problem turns into a headache. Some pampering is needed. Call me to hear why it’s time to revive a dream.

Leo July 24 – Aug 23 Edgy trends are in force today. But since Leos are nimble on their feet you’ll know how to side-step problems. The trick is to plan and avoid tussles. Draw boundaries and don’t go over that line. Call me to hear why it’s time to relight your ambition.

Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 23 Money, accounts, paperwork, spreadshee­ts? Keep a keen eye on what you’re doing as mistakes can happen under your nose! Watch out this afternoon when electronic devices could let you down. Call me to hear why you must go that extra mile.

Libra Sep 24 – Oct 23 Even though others may not agree with you, showing grace under pressure will be to your credit. If financial affairs are hard to digest, leave well alone until tomorrow. Make plans now for a weekend trip. Call me to hear why it’s time to shine in your world.

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22 Uranus, planet of surprises, is sweeping up a cosmic whirlwind that throws your normal day-to-day activities into turmoil. Don’t be downhearte­d if a certain someone disappoint­s you later. They’ll make up for it. Call me to hear why you need to dig deeper.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21 With the odd hitch ruffling the smooth running of things, your routine is all over the place. It’s not one of those days you can trust to luck. Friends, children, love? Expect surprises. Call me to hear why it’s time to put the spark back into love.

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20 Given that you’ve lived through so many changes in recent years, you should be able to trust yourself and your abilities. So don’t be too hard on yourself if you encounter the odd mishap. Call me to hear why a greater responsibi­lity kicks in.

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19 With rebellious Uranus rocking the boat and tossing you this way and that, it’s not a day for making rash decisions and taking short cuts. Stars point to a weekend away. Start planning now. Call me to hear why it’s time to shed a few responsibi­lities.

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20 You may find yourself way out of your comfort zone today.You have some deep thinking to do, research to dig up and business to sort out. Look to home and family as your haven of peace. Call me to hear why it’s time to go back to your roots.

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