Daily Express


Life as a couch potato really does us no good at all say researcher­s. But if you can’t tear yourself away from the box then here are some health tips


HERE is the news… experts have discovered that watching TV is bad for your health. And not just because of the lousy scripts, poor acting and mindless game shows that drive you crazy. Scientists have uncovered a whole host of health risks you’re exposing yourself to when you’re glued to the box for long periods.

The results, in no particular order as they say on X Factor, are diabetes, heart disease, blood clots and cancer. And if that’s not enough to have you reaching for the offswitch, they also warn that once you’re over the age of 25, every hour of TV you watch reduces your life expectancy by 22 minutes.

If you’re thinking the answer to living longer is to watch only programmes that last less than half an hour then I’m afraid you’re more of a Family Fortunes loser than a Mastermind winner. Because it takes only three hours of viewing a day for the telly to start making you ill.

A study in Spain found surprising results: people who sit watching TV for three hours or more a day have more than twice the risk of dying prematurel­y than someone who sits in a car or at a computer for the same length of time.

At first the researcher­s were puzzled but now they’ve worked out the reason: it’s not just down to being inactive for long periods, it’s all down to the other things we do in front of the box such as stuffing our faces with crisps and sweets. Or sinking beer and wine. Or letting our brains switch off so that we no longer have a purpose in life other than surviving to the end of Homes Under The Hammer.

In the first half of this article we’ll look at the health problems that watching TV can cause. Then after the break we’ll reveal six ways to avoid them. A study of 3,200 people over a period of 25 years showed that those who watched more than three hours TV a day were more likely to perform poorly in cognitive tests in middle age compared with people who watched little TV. Their ability to process informatio­n, make decisions and remember things had all slowed down. Research at University College London shows that the risk of heart disease more than doubles if you watch TV for more than four hours a day. Not even breaking up long periods of viewing by taking exercise will necessaril­y reduce the chance of a heart attack, experts have found. In the Netherland­s scientists measured the time that nearly 2,500 middle-aged or older people spent sitting or lying down in one week. They discovered that people who had Type 2 diabetes spent an average of 26 minutes longer sitting or lying down compared to people without diabetes.

They were able to calculate that every additional hour of being sedentary increases the chances of a person having diabetes by 22 per cent. Their research doesn’t tell us if people’s sedentary behaviour led to them getting diabetes or whether people sat down more after getting diabetes.

However it provides more evidence that spending a lot of time physically inactive is likely to be bad for you. America’s National Cancer Institute studied 221,000 people aged between 50 and 71 and confirmed the higher mortality rate link between excessive TV viewing and chronic diseases including cancer, pneumonia, blood clots and Parkinson’s. Those who watched three to four hours of TV a day were 15 per cent more likely to die and those who watched seven or more hours were 47 per cent more likely to die. NOW it’s time for a short break. Turn the page and look at a few adverts then come straight back for the second half of the article… Here’s where we reveal several ways you can avoid the risks associated with excessive goggling. Try them today – it could save your life. Instead of being glued to the sofa for hours on end asking family members to bring you cups of tea, beers, crisps or chocolate, get up and get them yourself. Better still, walk to the kitchen and find something healthy such as carrot sticks, apples or a banana.

Nasa studied its astronauts and found that the key to good health is to make sure you move your body frequently throughout the day. Just standing up from a sitting position four times an hour was particular­ly effective at counteract­ing the detrimenta­l health effects of being a couch potato.

If you’re constantly moaning about all the adverts on TV, get up and leave the room every time they come on. You’ll feel happier and probably live longer. Before you settle down for an evening’s viewing, get a loved one to hide the remote. They may not be quite so loved when you want to change channels but that will force you to get up and move around. If the remote is hidden in a bedroom, even better: climbing stairs is good for your heart. And if you and your partner search upstairs together who knows what might happen.

Researcher­s have found that men who have sex at least twice a week are less likely to develop heart disease than men who have sex only once a month. Doing it is most definitely better than watching it (Versailles, for example). I know that’s easier said than done because some nights there’s only rubbish on every channel. But if you watch quiz shows, nature programmes and the news instead of soaps, Big Brother and The One Show your mind will be more active because the programmes will be making you think, not shout at the screen. Quick tip: it might help not to watch anything with the word “celebrity” in it. If you buy 24 hours of Minder, five years’ worth of Downton Abbey or every episode of Game Of Thrones only one thing can happen: you’re going to watch them.

So keep off Netflix and Amazon and make sure friends and family don’t treat you at Christmas or your birthday. Tell them they’ll be helping you live longer (if they don’t believe you buy them a box set of Holby City). Daily Express Wednesday July 27 2016 Many of us eat out of habit while watching TV and according to findings published in the British Journal Of Nutrition, eating when distracted can cause you to ignore signals that you’ve had enough so you just keep stuffing your face.

Keep yourself occupied with another activity while watching TV: knitting, wood carving and even fidgeting (burns 350 calories a day) can help. Switch it off. There’s a button on the remote and an off-switch on the set. Use them often. Be brave – after the initial shock of a black screen you’ll soon find something else to do that doesn’t involve sitting on your backside.

Who knows you might even talk to each other.

ANN Widdecombe is AWAy

 ??  ?? THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX: Watching endless hours of television while mindlessly picking at junk food will have serious consequenc­es for your health
THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX: Watching endless hours of television while mindlessly picking at junk food will have serious consequenc­es for your health

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