Daily Express

It’s the EU facing economic disaster not Brexit Britain


ACCORDING to the fevered prediction­s of pro-EU campaigner­s, Brexit would herald an economic apocalypse. Within days of a vote to withdraw, they warned, our country would be engulfed by the storms of financial crisis and commercial meltdown.

But more than a month after the referendum this disaster has still failed to materialis­e. Far from sinking into recession the British economy is buoyant. Despite all the gloomy talk about the likely damage caused by the referendum the latest figures show that growth in the second quarter to the end of June actually reached 0.6 per cent, up from 0.4 per cent in the first quarter.

The fundamenta­ls are stronger than ever. Employment rates are at a record high, interest rates at a record low.

Boom rather than gloom appears to be the prevailing mood of business. Last week pharmaceut­ical conglomera­te GlaxoSmith­Kline revealed plans to invest £275million at three of its British plants. Sir Andrew Witty, the company’s CEO, had said before the referendum that a vote to leave the EU would be “a mistake” because it would “create uncertaint­y”. Now Sir Andrew admits that post-Brexit “the underlying attractive­ness in terms of the UK’s economic strengths and its fiscal environmen­t haven’t changed”.

CONSUMED by their worship of Brussels and contempt for their own country the “Remoaners” argued that, in the event of a leave vote, Britain would become an insular, backward, isolated place, shivering on the sidelines while Europe forged ahead. That warning has proved empty. Freed from Brussels bureaucrac­y Britain is now taking its place on the global stage as an outwardloo­king nation.

Already at least 27 countries have indicated to the Government that they would like to strike deals with the newly liberated Britain, while the new Internatio­nal Developmen­t Secretary Priti Patel, a prominent figure in the Leave campaign, declared yesterday that she wants to use Britain’s vast £11billion aid budget as leverage to boost our global trade.

That would be a far better use for our cash than the current colossal waste through mismanagem­ent, gesture politics and support for dodgy regimes.

The post-Brexit spirit of openness to global business has also been reflected in a stream of welcome news, such as London City Airport’s decision to invest £344million in its expansion and the move by American bank Wells Fargo to spend £300million on a new European HQ in London.

What must be disturbing to the Remoaners is the spectacula­r irrelevanc­e of Brussels to all this activity. They claimed that EU membership was crucial to survival yet in reality Britain is managing perfectly well. Last week new official statistics showed that British exports to the EU account for just 12 per cent of our economy, a dramatic fall over the past five years. British businesses now annually sell £288billion of goods and services to the rest of the world, a far higher total than the £222billion made from sales to the EU.

That gap exposes the hollowness of the Remoaners’ propaganda about our dependence on Brussels. Indeed it is the EU, not Britain, that is really in trouble. Given the sinking state of Europe’s economy, weighed down by debts and stagnation, Brussels bureaucrat­s are the ones who need the life raft of a British trade deal. Compared with Britain, growth across the EU is anaemic, up just 0.3 per cent in the last quarter. In France, which was once seen as the powerhouse of modern Europe, there was no expansion at all.

For all the Remoaners’ talk about a post-Brexit calamity, the next economic crisis is likely to occur in the EU, triggered by another bailout shambles or banking collapse. The shadow of chaos is looming over Italy, whose banks are sitting on £300billion of bad debts, the majority of them consisting of loans to insolvent borrowers.

The EU has brought this mess entirely on itself through its preference for federalist ideology above the genuine economic needs of the member states. The dogma of political integratio­n explains why Brussels has been so obsessed with the imposition of the single currency and free movement, even though both policies have turned out to be destructiv­e failures.

Yet the federalist­s’ only answer to this never-ending catastroph­e is yet more unity, more central control. “Our only hope for the future is to invest in a sovereign, strong and united Europe,” says EU vicepresid­ent Frederica Mogherini, an Italian socialist who perfectly encapsulat­es the doctrinair­e outlook of the EU.

THE EU is a basket case, completely unsustaina­ble in the long term. The last thing our country needs is to be sucked into years of tortured negotiatio­ns with the useless officialdo­m of Brussels about new trade arrangemen­ts. No complex deal is necessary. We can stand on our feet. The end of free movement will be a blessing, pushing up living standards and lessening the pressure on our infrastruc­ture.

As members of the World Trade Organisati­on we already have full rights of access to the single market – any tariffs are certain to be far smaller than the £10billion net contributi­on we had to pay as the price of our EU membership.

The British people voted for freedom on June 23. Our Government should embrace the wisdom of that decision instead of fussing about failed ideologues in Brussels.

‘In France there’s been no expansion at all’

 ?? Picture: ALAMY ?? STRIFE: Demonstrat­ions in Toulouse earlier this summer over French employment law
Picture: ALAMY STRIFE: Demonstrat­ions in Toulouse earlier this summer over French employment law
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