Daily Express

How puppy love helped me conquer my demons

JULIE BARTON battled unsuccessf­ully with depression for years but when a four-legged friend came into her life she finally began to heal

- Interview by HANNAH BRITT

FROM the moment Julie Barton’s boyfriend proposed she knew exactly whom she wanted to walk her down the aisle. It wasn’t a family member or even a close friend but her beloved golden retriever Bunker.

“He was our ring bearer,” says Julie, 42, of her special day in 2000.

“He had his own tuxedo and sat beside me as I got married.”

For writer Julie, who lives in northern California with husband Greg, 43, and their children Rachel, 12, and nine-year-old Lucy, Bunker was much more than just a pet, he was her lifesaver.

Julie has been struggling with depression since she was a child.

“For as long as I could remember I had battled with an inner sadness,” she explains.

“It meant that when things went wrong in work or relationsh­ips I found it extremely hard to cope.”

In her darkest moment she considered taking her own life but adopting Bunker gave her a reason to live.

Julie describes the moment when, aged 22, she hit rock bottom. “I wanted to be a writer so after graduating in 1995 I moved from Ohio to New York, where my boyfriend at the time lived but the relationsh­ip soon went south.

“The break-up tipped me over the edge. I found myself alone in a strange city, making barely enough money to eat from my job as a publishing assistant.”

One evening in April 1996, after returning home from work, Julie collapsed.

“I woke up on the kitchen floor. I’m not sure how long I was unconsciou­s for but it was long enough for the water I was heating in a pan to boil away and fill the kitchen with thick smoke.

“Not knowing what else to do I turned the stove off, lay back down on the kitchen floor and cried.”

Julie lay there for 36 hours, eating and drinking nothing, before calling her mother for help.

“I felt like a failure but most of all I felt relief. I knew if I stayed in New York I would have done something silly and wouldn’t be alive today.”

BACK at home with her parents, Julie consulted a psychiatri­st, who diagnosed her with clinical depression, prescribed antidepres­sants and recommende­d counsellin­g.

“Being diagnosed with a mental illness was a blessing and a curse,” she says. “It made it all suddenly very real but I was relieved to have a diagnosis. Knowing that help was out there gave me a little bit of hope.”

Yet despite the drugs and many hours of counsellin­g Julie still felt something was missing.

“Most days I wouldn’t make it off the sofa, I barely saw anyone,” she says.

“When my mum tried to comfort me I pushed her away, even though all she tried to do was love me.”

Wanting a companion, she decided to get a puppy.

“Growing up I had a turbulent relationsh­ip with my brother and father and the thing that helped me was being with our family dog. He was always happy to see me and I felt safe around him.” After visiting several breeders Julie adopted a bouncy golden retriever, whom she named Bunker. “I found out he was born on the very day I collapsed. If that’s not a sign that we were meant to find each other I don’t know what is,” she says. “In the car on the way home he fell asleep in my lap and I fell in love with him. I knew I could take care of him.” Over the next few weeks Bunker gave Julie a reason to get up in the mornings. “Having a dog to focus on took me out of myself. It took me out of my head, away from the ridiculous negative thoughts that were looping around my mind.

“He got me up to watch the sunrise and got me outside to see the leaves on the trees. Simply stroking him made me feel human again.”

A study from the University of Missouri has shown that petting a dog for just 15 minutes releases the feel-good hormones serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin and lowers the stress hormone cortisol. “As I taught him tricks and watched him bounding around the garden I could feel myself getting better,” says Julie, who was amazed at how many people would come up to her for a chat while she was out walking Bunker.

“Having Bunker made me feel connected to the local area and I met all kinds of people that I wouldn’t have otherwise. For the first time in a long time I wasn’t lonely.”

Later that year Julie was well enough to move to Seattle to live with friends.

As she settled into her new job as a writer at Microsoft she met Greg through friends and fell in love.

“Because I had such low self-confidence it took a while for me to believe that he liked me,” she says.

“I was used to men who made me feel I wasn’t worthy but Greg was kind and caring. He showed up when he said he would and didn’t make me feel like I didn’t deserve him.”

Julie and Greg married four years later, something Julie also puts down to Bunker.

“He taught me how to trust again and is probably the reason that I’m happily married now,” she says.

WHEN Julie gave birth to her daughter Rachel in 2004 she admits that Bunker was jealous of the attention being given to the new baby.

“He didn’t come downstairs for about 24 hours,” she laughs.

“Thankfully, however, the pair soon became thick as thieves and as I watched them grow together he became to her what he was to me, a loyal and loving pet.”

So when in April 2007, 11-yearold Bunker sadly died from cancer it came as a huge blow to the family.

“When Rachel had bad dreams and was scared Bunker would sleep next to her,” says Julie.

“So the first thing she said was, ‘Who’s going to protect me from the monsters?’ I cried because that was what I was thinking too. Who was going to protect me from the monsters?”

The day after his death Julie got a letter telling her she was a finalist in a creative writing competitio­n.

“I knew it was a sign that Bunker wanted me to tell our story,” she says.

In the aftermath of his death Julie put pen to paper and wrote her memoir Dog Medicine: How My Dog Saved Me From Myself. Since finishing the book, which has now been published in six countries, Julie has been contacted by people all over the world with similar stories.

“There are so many people out there who tell me that they wouldn’t be here without their dog or cat.” Of the future, Julie is hopeful. “Bunker taught me so much. He brought so much goodness, love and wisdom into my life. He’s the reason I’ve been happily married for 16 years. He’s the reason I have two beautiful daughters. He’s the reason I am still here today.”

To order Dog Medicine by Julie Barton (Bluebird, £7.99), which is published on August 4, call the Express Bookshop on 01872 562 310 or visit expressboo­kshop.co.uk UK delivery is free.

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Picture: HEATHER KNAPE SO HAPPY: Julie and Bunker and below with Greg on their wedding day
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