Daily Express

Portrait of a forged artist

- Matt Baylis on the weekend’s TV

THERE’S a watch I bought for a few dollars on a Thai market stall. It looks like a famous, luxury brand of wristwatch. It even feels like one. Should I get an expert to value it? I don’t think so, for reasons you can probably guess.

In some ways, the case presented on FAKE OR FORTUNE? (Sunday, BBC1) felt similarly open and closed. A lady had a drawing of a Cambodian dancer, apparently by the sculptor Rodin.

As well as doing gigantic pieces in bronze and stone, Rodin was well known as a prolific producer of drawings and watercolou­rs.

Towards the end of his life he was also, famously, transfixed by a troupe of Royal Cambodian dancers who visited France in the late 19th century. He was so enthused by these dancers one story says, that he fled Paris to follow them to Marseilles and left in such a hurry that he had to beg some wrapping paper from a grocer to do his drawings on.

Tales like these lay thick on the ground in last night’s investigat­ion, which was good because there wasn’t much of an investigat­ion.

Rodin’s artwork, like that famous brand of luxury watch, is one of the most successful­ly faked products around. The history of the 20th century art world is strewn with scandals concerning Rodin fakes, to the extent that they barely make the news.

You didn’t need to know this in advance to sense the candle of hope flickering and sputtering from a very early point. We were told that Rodin had produced around 10,000 drawings in his lifetime and that 150 of them were of Cambodian dancers. It then emerged that only 10 of these 150 were thought to be in private hands.

With slow, plodding thoroughne­ss Fiona Bruce and Philip Mould were pretty much going through the motions after that, consulting the forensics experts, peering through the old sale catalogues, staving off the inevitable. The best bits had come at the beginning as we learned about Rodin’s Cambodian obsession and about how the drawing had been brought to the art programme’s attention.

A woman called Alice Thoday had inherited it from her artist mother, Suzanne Daco. She, a painter of some renown, had done some wall friezes of French scenes for a restaurant in Mexico City and received the alleged Rodin from the restaurant’s owner as a thank you.

They didn’t tell us if she got a free lunch, too, but nothing else was in doubt from the get-go.

Is it just me or has there been a lot of tooth loss in the DRAGONS’ DEN (Sunday, BBC2)? The investors still do a good line in looking appalled. Peter Jones, in particular, has a way of looking at the pitchers as if they’ve just invited themselves into his house during a private party and blocked the downstairs loo. Grimacing aside, though, last night’s proceeding­s lacked the Christians­plus-lions atmosphere of the average episode almost entirely.

A cocky young bloke whose proposal unravelled like a child’s fib. A courteous inventor with maps printed on scarves. A former bankrupt with a kit for removing manhole covers. In years gone by, these would have been pure dragon-fodder, their pitches inaudible over the sound of flesh tearing. Last night they left the circus with, at worst, headmaster­ly good wishes, at best, stacks of cash for the fishiest of business ideas.

I can’t really see a future for toothless dragons. Not unless there’s one for low-alcohol vodka.

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