Daily Express

Our top astrologer

- Lori Reid

Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20

There are ways around most impasses and this is a day when you see a glimmer of light. Foreign links and travel are back on track. Mars has adventure, new experience­s and excitement in mind. Call me to hear when a little “me” time is a must.

Taurus Apr 21 – May 21

Today brings a feeling that you’re reaching an important milestone. Given the cosmic line-up you can expect some unusual developmen­ts. Romance? Lucky Jupiter is looking your way. Call me to hear when you must guard against being unrealisti­c.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

It’s the right kind of day to push forward plans, forge links and make new contacts. Finances may need a tweak, that shouldn’t spoil your upbeat mood. Tackle a nagging worry now. Call me to hear when you shouldn’t let a mistake hang you up.

Cancer June 22 – July 23

You’re dependable and loyal. You know the ropes and you meet your targets. But a recent developmen­t has thrown a spanner into the works. This acts as the trigger for a positive new phase. Call me to hear when a decision doesn’t go to plan.

Leo July 24 – Aug 23

Don’t dawdle, Leo. Take advantage of the new chapter about to begin by starting the day, the week and the month with some new resolution­s. Tie up loose ends and clear the decks. Put leisure top of your list. Call me to hear when to watch out for deception.

Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 23

Since your social life has opened out you’ve been mixing with a new crowd. Not all are on your wavelength, as you find out this afternoon. But those who are grow closer with stronger bonds forming. Call me to hear when people are totally unrealisti­c.

Libra Sep 24 – Oct 23

Today is starred for social affairs, for mixing business and pleasure, accepting invitation­s and attending functions. This may lead to a special encounter.Your expertise is your winning hand. Call me to hear when to avoid becoming your own worst enemy.

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

You’re definitely on a roll. Your work is winning praise which is a boost to morale. Finances are another matter! Take the bull by the horns and chase up what’s owed. A business lunch is productive. Call me to hear when someone leaves you guessing.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

If you’ve been burning the midnight oil you’re probably a bit stir crazy. So it comes as a relief to find that new avenues are opening. A tricky decision has to be made before you can move forward. Call me to hear when to be sharp over a family affair.

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

Aren’t you glad you’re spreading your wings? You’ve been pouring a lot of effort into a research project and now all that endeavour will bear fruit. The stars are hinting at a new injection of cash. Call me to hear when you must read between the lines.

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

Even though you may not be aware of it, romance is the biggest thing on your horizon. Fate has been busy engineerin­g a meeting. Demands ease, giving you a chance to catch up. Call me to hear when to keep an extra-close eye on your belongings.

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

Work, official matters, people in authority? A long-standing issue is coming up for review. It’s tricky discussing money but you have good people supporting you. Keep that goal in sight as a new chapter begins. Call me to hear when silence isn’t golden!

 ??  ?? Celebratin­g on this day: actress Laila Morse, 71, and director Sam Mendes, 51.
Celebratin­g on this day: actress Laila Morse, 71, and director Sam Mendes, 51.
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