Daily Express

Beach tragedy five ‘died in quicksand rescue bid’

- By Michael Knowles

FIVE best friends drowned after three of the group tried to rescue their two pals from “quicksand”, it was claimed yesterday.

And last night a grieving relative was furious that life guards were not introduced after a man drowned in the same spot last month.

The victims have been named as Nitharsan Ravi, brothers Kobi and Kenigan Nathan, Inthushan Sriskantha­rasa and Kurushanth Srithavara­jah.

Ajirthan Ravi, 19, said his brother Nitharsan, 22, died while trying to free Inthushan, 23, and Kenigan, 19, after they became stuck in sand during an incoming tide off the Sussex Coast.

Kobi, 22, and Kurushanth, 27, were also part of the rescue bid on a beach at Camber Sands, near Rye.

All five of the London-based group of Sri Lankan origin were dragged to their deaths by deadly rip tides on Wednesday. Ajirthan said a post-mortem examinatio­n report indicated how the friends died. He said: “Ken and Inthushan got stuck under the water in the mud and sand. Their legs were sucked in like quicksand.

“Their three friends went under the water to try to save them. But all five of them got into difficulty… that’s what the doctor’s autopsy told us.” Ajirthan said the friends were good swimmers but were carried away by the strength of the tide.

He added: “There weren’t any lifeguards. They would have noticed quickly these boys drowning and could have saved their lives.”

The family said no safety measures were introduced after Brazilian man Gustavo Silva Da Cruz drowned at the same place last month.

Thousands of people have signed an online petition to Parliament demanding permanent lifeguards.

A spokesman for Rother District Council said that despite there being no lifeguards there were summer patrols to advise people of dangers.

He said: “While it’s very upsetting to see two similar, tragic incidents, over the years these kind of incidents are extremely rare and on a fine day around 25,000 people use the beach safely.”

 ?? Picture: STEVE REIGATE, PA ?? Desperate rescue attempts by emergency services at Camber Sands and, inset, the five victims, from left, Inthushan, Kurushanth, Kobi, Nitharsan and Kenigan
Picture: STEVE REIGATE, PA Desperate rescue attempts by emergency services at Camber Sands and, inset, the five victims, from left, Inthushan, Kurushanth, Kobi, Nitharsan and Kenigan

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