Daily Express

Mother-to-be went for a dip and came out with a baby son

- By Robert Kellaway

MEET water baby Lewis Pashley, born at a luxury spa after his heavily pregnant mother went into labour during a swim in the pool.

Leah Pashley, 28, had gone to relax with mother-in-law Jackie when she felt the baby arriving while enjoying a dip.

The first-time mother was not in pain so Jackie advised her to take a shower and dress, thinking she still had a couple of hours to go.

But when Leah, of Scunthorpe, went to the changing rooms, little Lewis's head popped out.

He was born in a cubicle with the help of Jackie, a nurse with 20 years experience in paediatric­s.

Leah said: “It was a big shock. The staff all helped out and they were brilliant but without Jackie there it would have been more complicate­d.

“Everything happened so quickly. We arrived at the spa at 2pm and by half past he was born.

“Fortunatel­y everything was fine and he was really healthy and well – but it didn't happen the way I had planned.”

Leah had woken on the morning of August 17 with pains and had contacted her midwife.

But she told her to go about her normal routine, which included a relaxing spa day at Forest Pines hotel and golf resort, near Broughton.

As Leah was in the pool, her waters broke.

Jackie, 54, said: “I've got a lot of experience as a nurse but I've never delivered a baby – there's a first time for everything.

“I rubbed him down in some towels and then put him straight on to Leah and then I fell to pieces. I couldn't believe it.”

Proud father Matt, 28, was phoned by Jackie who said: “He thought I was joking at first but then I said to him, ‘I have just delivered your son'.”

 ??  ?? Above, baby Lewis Pashley with dad Matt, mother Leah and granny Jackie, who helped to deliver the bouncing boy. Right, the pool at the Forest Pines hotel and health spa
Above, baby Lewis Pashley with dad Matt, mother Leah and granny Jackie, who helped to deliver the bouncing boy. Right, the pool at the Forest Pines hotel and health spa

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