Daily Express

Remainers begin to admit the world is not ending


THE odd one or two are finally acknowledg­ing that Britain isn’t, to all intents and purposes, falling off a cliff, we aren’t knee-deep in plague spores and there is no apparent sign of economic Armageddon or social collapse (“Now top Remain boss joins call to get out of EU as soon as possible”, August 25).

With almost every bit of economic news being exceedingl­y positive and with the national


I READ your article with a smile on my face but, then of course I would, seeing as I’m now approachin­g 67 (“Proof that ‘oldies’ are far happier”, August 25).

Gone are the days when I used to get stressed about day-to-day life and its problems.

As your article says, age has given me the wisdom to simply discard the small stuff and I now try and see the positive in whatever happens.

Worry never cured anything and the years have taught me that things usually work out for the best in the end. Emily Parkinson, Maidstone, Kent mood more optimistic than it has been for years I would really hope that a few more Remainers might just finally admit that the Project Fear scare stories and forecasts of doom were completely wide of the mark and probably deliberate­ly so. Emma Adam,

Manchester IF older people are more happy then can someone please tell that to my next-door neighbour and the pensioner who sits behind me at the football.

The lady in the house joined to ours moans about everything from the binmen making too much noise to children playing in the street.

As for the bloke at the footie, I am sure he only goes to have a right old grumble.

The other night he shouted at the team to start shooting and when someone had a shot and it went wide he bellowed: “And that’s why you shouldn’t shoot!” David Tompkins,


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