Daily Express

Latter-day party poopers

- Virginia Blackburn

FOR 39 years TV comedy writers have pursued the televisual equivalent of the Holy Grail – coming up with a worthy successor to Abigail’s Party. That absolutely exquisite comedy of manners and the English class system, first shown in 1977 on the BBC’s Play For Today, so utterly skewered middle-class snobbery and aspiration that it is still lauded to this day.

Regularly cited among the greatest television programmes ever made, its portrayal of two awkward couples and a singleton getting progressiv­ely more drunk as their inhibition­s break down tells you more than a history book ever could about what Britain was like in the 1970s, two years before Mrs Thatcher came to power and everything changed forever. Its writer and director Mike Leigh and star Alison Steadman – who were married at the time – were blazing new talents and went on to become national treasures, enjoying spectacula­rly successful careers in part, at least, due to the success of that play.

Will that be true of the makers and stars of THE CIRCUIT (C4), which also took the middle-class dinner party as its terrain. It’s hard to say, not least because Channel 4 did not release a full preview tape to reviewers and so the following is based on snippets rather than the whole show. But from a truncated viewing, I’ll be very surprised indeed if we are still talking about The Circuit 39 years from now.

The set-up is very similar: a young couple Gabe (Adeel Akhtar) and Nat (Eva Birthistle) move to a new town and are invited around by their neighbours to dinner.

The neighbours have clearly had an almighty row just before their guests have arrived and the ensuing froideur means that tension is just waiting to boil over – which it definitely does.

What caused such a sensation in Abigail’s Party doesn’t touch the same nerve here, though, because the former was so tangibly true to life you could imagine yourself, rigid with nerves, at its centre whereas I didn’t really believe anything that I saw in The Circuit could happen to me.

And so it is instructiv­e to list the difference­s between the master and the imitator because if nothing else they do illustrate the difference in Britain then and now.

In the new show there is a great deal of swearing and while it’s on after the watershed, I don’t recall any swearing at all on prime-time telly in the 1970s (apart from two notorious exceptions) whatever the time of day.

Of the characters, one is Eastern European and one is of Asian extraction, reflecting the changing face of Britain. One of the couples is same-sex – it wasn’t clear if they were friends or lovers but you would never have a lesbian couple totally accepted without comment back then. Of the drinking, there is no change. We are a nation of topers, both then and now.

Well done to Team GB for its Olympic success and I hope it’s repeated four years hence. But for those of us with no interest whatsoever in sport it’s been a rather trying few weeks.

So what did the BBC choose to fill its major prime-time slot on a Thursday night? That’s right, a documentar­y about football, CLASS OF 92: OUT OF THEIR LEAGUE (BBC1). Even I have heard about the Class of 92 – David Beckham has a lot to answer for – and I know that half of the country is sport mad. But still. For pity’s sake.

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