Daily Express




IT seems so simple to say that people with flu shouldn’t play the office martyr but in this day an age it isn’t as easy as that (“Flu sufferers carry on working – and spreading their germs to office colleagues”, September 27).

Many businesses are cut to the bone in terms of staff and just can’t afford for key people to be off.

Add to that the fact that for many people, paid sick leave is a non-starter. I work for myself and if I stay in bed bills don’t get paid.

I’m in and out of offices all day and without people like me the economy would grind to a halt. Anthony Donaldson,

Southend, Essex


HOW selfish of people who are clearly not well to carry on working and pass on their germs.

If 37 per cent of people surveyed admitted that they carried on heading for the office while still contagious then it is no wonder we have a flu epidemic each winter.

In this modern world it is perfectly possible for many employees to work from home.

In fact, telling them to stay in bed with their laptop will probably make them more productive than if they battled into work.

And I’m sure their colleagues would appreciate it too.

Anne Pinder, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs

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