Daily Express

Are routines good for the soul?



I AGREE with Harry Hodges when he says it is good to be a creature of habit (Column, February 15).

I think there is something comforting in the ritual of getting up at the same time every day, knowing how your day is going to pan out as we all need stability in our lives.

However, I could not be like Harry and eat the same lunch of chicken and sweet potato, day in day out.

Mealtimes are a highlight and I look forward to planning what I am going to have for lunch or dinner as it really brightens up the day. Lynne English, Wickford, Essex


IT is quite often said that variety is the spice of life. Maybe columnist Harry Hodges should adhere to this notion every once in a while – and add a pinch of spice to his sweet potatoes while he’s at it.

While I’m happy that Mr Hodges derives comfort from the same old same old, I just don’t understand it myself.

It reminds me of British couples who go to the same holiday resort with the same people year after year. The world is an enormous place and by broadening one’s horizons even just slightly, life can be so much more fulfilling.

Robert Bolton, Accrington, Lancs through the power of the box office, to rock their ivory towers. Pete White, Dunstable, Beds

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