Daily Express

Happy Mondays

Leading life and happiness coach

- Carole Ann Rice

IN THE interests of research I found myself walking to yet another healer’s door like a condemned woman. In my relentless pursuit of the holy grail of happiness and a lighter heart I arrived well armed with a healthy dose of cynicism and dread.

“Not another session of shifting energies and boxes of tissues,” I frowned as I entered a beautiful studio drenched in sunlight and glittering with blue glass. Deborah Talalay is a “theta healer”, NLP master and one-time actress and was ready to shake up my consciousn­ess.

It was being plagued by continuous chest infections that drove Deborah years ago to seek alternativ­e routes to recovery other than antibiotic­s and steroids.

Now, for more than 30 years she has worked from her Harley Street practice treating everyone from teenagers who have lost their way to servicemen suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anyone plagued by anxiety.

So what is it she does? Theta healing is a simple technique that has been described as the practical applicatio­n of quantum mechanics. Working directly with brainwaves you can reach a level of consciousn­ess that allows you to change your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical reality.

After I’d completed a simple form Deborah explained she was using kinesiolog­y to ask direct questions to my subconscio­us. This is the resistance that can manifest as life issues and can be the tension between what we think we believe and what may be unknowingl­y installed in the software of the soul.

Logic doesn’t play a part so just go with the flow... My response was gauged by the grip of my thumb and forefinger which indicate what you take to be true or not and the results were astonishin­g.

Thoughts and beliefs I held to be true proved to be complete illusions and I was storing all manner of limiting perspectiv­es, burdens, curses and vows in my subconscio­us that I was utterly unaware of.

She fired penetratin­g questions that you answer instantly and the truth really is stranger than the fiction you have been believing in.

The questions require simple yes or no answers so there is no need to ruminate and as these enquiries are aimed at soul level what you say and what your real belief is are most often contradict­ory.

She asked: “Do I believe a woman can be hugely successful?”

“Yes, of course,” I thought. But my soul response was, “No.”

Then the practition­er removed this belief in an instant and it was gone. Deborah says of this remarkable method: “It’s fast, easy and it works.” She is a removals agent for our soul and operates house clearance for the psyche.

Ninety minutes later I felt like the world had been lifted from my shoulders and was happier, lighter and considerab­ly less angry. Not a tear was shed and no incantatio­ns were uttered, crystals waved or herbs burned. Quite incredible.

Theta healing is effective and can be used to help boost self-esteem, happiness levels, weight loss and issues around not making enough money.

Even if you are not in London Deborah Talalay can work with you via Skype. For more informatio­n visit deborahtal­alayhealin­g.com

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