Daily Express




Long before he wrote classics such as Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, author Roald Dahl was a British spy.

He’d been an RAF fighter pilot in the Second World War but after being injured in 1940 he was transferre­d to the British Embassy in Washington DC.

He was then tasked by British Intelligen­ce with charming Washington’s most powerful women and using them to rally support for Britain at a time when many Americans didn’t want their country to enter the war. He also passed valuable stolen documents to the British government.


Swedish actress Garbo operated as a go-between for British Intelligen­ce, the Swedish royal family and the elite of her home country, using her celebrity status to identify Nazi agents and report on their actions.


The Israeli illusionis­t shot to fame in the 1970s by apparently bending spoons with his psychic powers. But a 2013 British documentar­y The Secret Life Of Uri Geller – Psychic Spy? contended that Geller was recruited by the CIA to help in a “psychic arms race” with Russia during the Cold War.

Only last week Geller revealed how a battery of tests by the CIA in the 1970s proved his psychic abilities.


Cary Grant played the part of an American spy in Hitchcock’s film Notorious but he was also employed by US Intelligen­ce to flush out Nazi sympathise­rs in Hollywood during the Second World War.

Among those he apparently investigat­ed were Errol Flynn and the Danish former husband of heiress Barbara Hutton (whom Grant later briefly married in 1942).


Playwright Noel Coward was Cary Grant’s contact at MI6. He was trained as a spymaster and then threw parties for pro-Nazi sympathize­rs.

In the 1970s it emerged that Coward’s worldwide tours of the upper-class party scene actually shaped the flow of intelligen­ce during the Second World War. He quipped: “Celebrity was a wonderful cover, my disguise was my own reputation as a bit of an idiot... a merry playboy.”


Author Ian Fleming trained alongside Coward at MI6’s secret HQ at Bletchley Park before being posted to Naval Military Intelligen­ce. No wonder he later created the world’s most famous fictitious spy, James Bond.

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