Daily Express

I just wasn’t prepared for life as a single dad

When his wife died CARL GORHAM had to care for his daughter alone. Here he shares how it made them closer than ever

- Interview by HANNAH BRITT

WAITING for his six-year-old daughter to come out of the women’s bathroom, Carl Gorham felt completely helpless. Romy had been in there a while. Should he go in? Should he ask for help? As the voice on the Gatwick tannoy called them to board their plane to Prague he began to panic. He desperatel­y wished his wife was there to help.

Tragically, Vikki had died suddenly from breast cancer a year earlier, leaving Carl to adapt to a new life as a single dad.

“It was the smallest things that could be the most difficult,” says Carl, 54, a television and radio writer who lives in Holt, Norfolk, with Romy, who is now 15. “Like having to leave your daughter and your passport with a stranger when you needed to go to the loo.”

When Carl and Vikki met in 1983 as students at Oxford University it was love at first sight.

“I was playing in a band and we started chatting afterwards,” says Carl. They got married in 1993 and, blissfully happy, started planning a family.

But in April 1998, aged just 35, Vikki found a lump in her breast and was diagnosed with cancer. “She had a lumpectomy and radiothera­py, which went well and we rebuilt our lives,” explains Carl. “And in 2001 little Romy came along. She was perfect and looked just like her mum.”

BUT in 2003 Vikki’s cancer came back. “We must have gone to every hospital in London,” says Carl. “She had chemothera­py and a mastectomy and thankfully the doctors managed to kick the cancer once again by 2005.

“But we knew that if it ever came back again it probably wouldn’t be the same story.”

Doctors said that while there was a high chance of the cancer returning in the future they were unsure if and when that might be.

But determined to make the most of whatever time she had left, Vikki chose not to have regular checks and instead lived life to the full. “She didn’t want to go looking for the cancer in case she found it,” says Carl. “Instead we planned trips and spent time together as a family.” In April 2007 they went on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday to Australia. Yet during the trip Vikki felt lethargic and unwell with flu-like symptoms and on the plane home she collapsed. She was rushed by ambulance to hospital in Hong Kong but died 10 days later, aged just 44.

“There aren’t really any words to describe it, the sense of shock and disbelief was overwhelmi­ng,” says Carl. “Romy knew her mummy was poorly but sitting her down and telling her she was going to die was one of the hardest things I will ever do.

“But it was important to involve her. Children understand more than you think and I would hate the thought of her asking later why I hadn’t told her.”

The following day was Romy’s birthday and Carl took her to Disneyland in Hong Kong. “It was extraordin­arily difficult to do but absolutely the right thing,” says Carl. “I got to see my little girl smile again.”

Returning home in the aftermath of Vikki’s death, Carl struggled to cope. “I had to get out of bed for Romy, so I did. I had to do things with her. Having a six-year-old was amazing, she pulled me through,” he says.

“But I had no idea how to be a single dad. I kept thinking, ‘Vikki would know what to do’.

“I worried whether I was a good enough father.”

He followed Romy’s lead when it came to grieving. For example, he recalls being taken aback when Romy suggested turning a cardboard box into a model of her late mum. “But soon we found ourselves embroiled in a joint project, she drew the eyes and I cut out the mouth with a bread knife,” says Carl.

“Perhaps it looked weird but I didn’t mind. We’d sit her at the table with us and strap her into the car. Romy even took her into school for show and tell.

“I was told it was part of her grieving process and not that uncommon so ‘cardboard mummy’ was with us for quite a while.”

As Carl got used to his new life as a single dad he admits there were some bumps in the road.

“I was really scared. I thought, ‘I can’t do this’,” he says. “It was a long and complicate­d journey.

“But when I look back on that moment I can see how far we’ve come and it’s pretty amazing.”

CARL laughs as he remembers a holiday he and Romy took after Vikki’s death. “Each night in Prague we would return to the hotel and spend the rest of the evening making a den, taking the sheets off the bed and arranging the duvets.”

Despite everything, Carl says that Vikki’s death brought him closer to his daughter.

“I think there’s a really special bond that comes from going through something like that together. We went through hell and back but we went through it together.”

Slowly but surely life returned to normal. In late 2008 Carl fell in love again after meeting Emma, who had also lost her partner to cancer. “Our relationsh­ip began very slowly,” says Carl.

“But for the first time in months I felt that this was the start of something, rather than the end.”

Carl was open with Romy about his new relationsh­ip from the start. “We’re honest with each other and that’s been very important for us,” he says.

“Romy is 15 now and there will be many more challenges to come with not having a mum. But we’re a tight unit and we’ll get through them together.”

This month sees the release of The Owl At The Window, a memoir about Vikki. Putting pen to paper was cathartic for Carl.

“I wrote it to honour Vikki’s memory but also out of pride for my daughter,” he says. “Romy has grown into the most amazing young woman. I am more proud of her than words can say.

“She is strong, determined and brilliant, just like her mum.”

To order a copy of The Owl At The Window by Carl Gorham (£14.99, Coronet) call the Express Bookshop on 01872 562 310 or visit expressboo­kshop.co.uk

 ?? Picture: GETTY. Main picture posed by models ?? STRUGGLE: Carl and Vikki on their wedding day; Carl with daughter Romy around the time her mother died
Picture: GETTY. Main picture posed by models STRUGGLE: Carl and Vikki on their wedding day; Carl with daughter Romy around the time her mother died
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