Daily Express

Obama cheated on Michelle and did drugs, claims book


BARACK Obama cheated on his future wife Michelle by seeing an ex while they were dating, a new book claims.

The young Obama was going out with Michelle Robinson, as she was then known, while still meeting former girlfriend Sheila Miyoshi Jager, according to a biography.

The book makes clear Obama had stopped seeing Sheila by the time he married Michelle in 1992.

But Sheila admitted 20 years later that she had “always felt bad about it”, says author David Garrow.

The 1,078-page biography Rising Star: The Making Of Barack Obama also claims that the future 44th president proposed to Sheila twice.

It also quotes his first serious girlfriend Genevieve Cook, who he met when he was 22 and she was 25, as saying they slept together on their first date and that they would take cocaine and smoke cannabis.

Genevieve is said to have described the sex with Obama as comfortabl­e but not “imaginativ­e”, according to Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer Garrow.

In a diary entry she allegedly wrote: “Making love with Barack, so warm and flowing and soft but deep.”

Her claim about taking drugs is at odds with Obama’s own admission that he only used them as a teenager.

The book quotes Genevieve as saying his college pals used drugs much more than he did – and that he would have probably preferred to stay home and read.

 ??  ?? Genevieve Cook and young student Obama
Genevieve Cook and young student Obama

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