Daily Express

Furious ‘leave’ voter confronts Farron

- By Alison Little Deputy Political Editor

EUROPHILE Lib Dem leader Tim Farron was accused yesterday of insulting voters after telling one who backed Brexit that he had made Britain poorer and more dangerous for his grandchild­ren.

Mr Farron’s party wants a second referendum after the final EU deal.

During a TV interview in Kidlington, near Oxford, the Lib Dem leader was interrupte­d by Malcolm Baker who accused him of branding Brexit voters racist – a claim Mr Farron denied. Mr Baker said: “I voted Leave and I’m proud to have voted Leave and I knew what I was voting for.”

Mr Farron asked if Mr Baker had grandchild­ren. On hearing that he did the politician declared: “Are you proud that they’ll inherit a poorer, less helpful, less secure country?”

Defiant Mr Baker said: “I’m proud that they’ll be coming out of Europe and we will have our own destiny and not have people telling us we’re going to pay £100billion to get out.”

But he also jokily assured Mr Farron that he had “no eggs” – a reference to former Labour Deputy PM John Prescott punching an egg-thrower during the 2001 poll campaign.

Retired care worker Mr Baker, 65, was made an MBE in 2003 for fundraisin­g with his Elvis act and has appeared on ITV’s Britain’s Got Talent.

He told a crowd of journalist­s and Lib Dem supporters that he had always voted Labour but would vote on June 8 for the Conservati­ves for the first time.

Mr Farron told reporters he “respected” Mr Baker’s Brexit choice but voters had not been consulted on the final deal.

Conservati­ve Luke Hall, who is seeking re-election in Thornbury and Yate, Glocs, said: “I was deeply disappoint­ed to hear the insults directed at a voter.

“They were disrespect­ful and represent a divisive approach.”

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