Daily Express



BILL ODDIE, 75, is known for the long-running comedy series The Goodies and was one of the original hosts of Springwatc­h. He has also presented Birding With Bill Oddie and other nature programmes. His latest book Tales Of A Ludicrous Bird Gardener (New Holland, £16.99) is out on June 30. BILLY BUNTER OF GREYFRIARS SCHOOL

by Frank Richards

Out of print This is the sort of book you couldn’t do now because it’s so non-PC: people are cajoled for being fat, lazy and foreign. But it had a wonderful energy.

I got to play Bunter on radio and I can’t help slipping into the voice, to most people’s annoyance. A FIELD GUIDE TO THE BIRDS OF BRITAIN AND EUROPE

by Roger Tory Peterson

Out of print I was six or seven when I started bird watching and this book was almost life-changing. Until the ’50s, there weren’t any good bird books, then Peterson developed a style of immaculate drawings with lines pointing to the features that were key to identifyin­g the bird. That led to a whole genre. JOURNAL OF 1826

by John James Audubon

University of Nebraska, £25.99 Audubon trekked across America collecting informatio­n about birds, which was dangerous at the time.

I love the fact that there’ll be an entry in his journals that says he was attacked by a Comanche war party followed by one where he got a splendid drawing of a plover. BENEATH THE UNDERDOG

by Charles Mingus

Canongate, £9.99 I’m a slow reader but I buy a lot of music biographie­s.

This is full of self-pity and raging anger which is quite shocking.

He had a famously bad temper yet a lot of his music is very moving and passionate. THE A-Z GUIDE TO GOOD MENTAL HEALTH: YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE FAMOUS TO HAVE MANIC DEPRESSION

by Jeremy Thomas

Penguin, £12.99 I was diagnosed as having manic depression when my wife and daughter noticed my up-and-down behaviour.

This is the book that helped me because it included an account of someone who was just like me: he got overconfid­ent about what he was doing and impatient with people around him. UNNATURAL SELECTIONS

by Gary Larson

Out of print An American cartoonist with my kind of humour. It’s a bit distastefu­l at times but, if you’re feeling sad and you’ve just come away from the shrink, this will cheer you up.

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