Daily Express



TRAVELLING to work the other morning, I had my thoughts derailed by the opening words of a couple of gentlemen who boarded the train.

“How are things?” one man asked the other. “Good, good,” said the other. “Everything’s fine.”

This opinion was so much at variance with my own view of the current state of the world that I was tempted to remonstrat­e with them immediatel­y, but decided I should put my thoughts in order before discussing the matter. As usual, when facing matters of great emotional significan­ce, my notes took the form of an epic verse under the heading “Is Everything Fine?”

There’s a great deal in the world to

fear, From the USA to North Korea, And Europe’s making a dreadful fuss As they face the prospect of losing us And their comments are far from

benign, The raging hurricanes, Harvey and

Irma, Have torn up buildings and terra firma, While genocide in the west of Burma, Arouses only a distant murmur. Everything’s far from fine.

Our Euro-friends now act like foes, The pound gets weaker, inflation grows, The unions threaten a winter of strikes, While Trump is obsessed with the

number of Likes He can gain on his FaceBook shrine. The state of the world we must

deplore. No pay rise for workers, no food for

the poor, No sign monsieur Barnier’s seeking

rapport. The risks that now face us we can’t

ignore, Internatio­nal tensions, furthermor­e, Are showing no sign of imminent thaw, As Trump squawks dementedly like a

macaw, Pyongyang prepares for nuclear war, And Kim Jong-un seems so cocksure, Demanding that the Yanks withdraw. No, everything isn’t fine.

And can you believe what our PM did In presenting the Irish with one billion

quid That she found on a money tree just

like a flower, To keep her administra­tion in power? It seems a huge price to pay. Now there’s more in the shops we can’t

afford, America’s quit the Paris accord, There’s little now left that we’d like to

applaud, We’re sailing through whirlpools as yet

unexplored, Through hazardous waters, all dangers

ignored, So gung-ho me hearties, let’s all climb

aboard. For everything’s not OK.

Having scribbled these lines on a notepad, I was now ready to take issue with my fellow travellers on the matter of whether everything was fine.

So casting a final glance at my arguments and taking a deep breath, I turned slowly to face them and rebuff all their smug assurance.

Unfortunat­ely, that’s when they rose and got off the train.

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