Daily Express




1 Superior to (1,3,5) 7 Forearm bone (4) 8 Pinafore (5) 10 Alsatian, say (3) 11 Inflict harm in return for (6) 13 Turin once (anag.) (9) 14 Look quickly (6) 16 Egg cells (3) 18 Arrant (5) 19 Operator (4) 20 People who tend sheep (9)


1 Recklessly bold or daring (9) 2 Intelligen­t (6) 3 Mountain lake (4) 4 Bits per inch (abbr.) (1,1,1) 5 Consecrate­s as a priest (7) 6 Mechanics (9) 8 Lean or bony (7) 9 Having a tooth-like or serrated edge (7) 12 Firmly secured with a key (6) 15 Fever (4) 17 Agent (3)

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