Daily Express

Drunk flyer thrown off plane for ‘queer boy’ rant at steward

- By Chris Riches

A DRUNK holidaymak­er was marched off a plane after asking a shocked cabin crewman, “Oi queer boy, where’s my seat?”, a court heard.

Thomas Howorth, 28, berated easyJet staff and threatened to headbutt a stewardess after boarding his flight.

As passengers were guided on to the aircraft, Howorth hurled homophobic abuse at crew member William Compton.

When cabin colleague Jemma Grieves intervened, Howorth pushed her out of the way and said: “I’ll ******* headbutt you.”

Police later arrested him and marched him off the plane at Manchester Airport.

He admitted assault and using threatenin­g behaviour.

Narrowly avoiding being sent to jail, labouring business owner Howorth, of Rochdale, was given a 16-week suspended sentence at Manchester magistrate­s’ court.

Passing sentence, JP David Marsh said: “Locking you up will not help you get the help you so desperatel­y need. You need help to get yourself through this.”

He was also ordered to complete 120 hours of unpaid work and told to pay £200 court costs.

Prosecutor Hayley Bennett said trouble started when the drunken defendant boarded the flight in April.

Angry with Mr Compton as he tried to find his seat, he launched into the foul-mouthed tirade.

Ms Bennett said: “The trouble started when the defendant said, ‘Oi queer boy, where’s my ******* seat’. This put the staff on edge.

“Overall he was being very aggressive and threatenin­g and staff were very concerned.


“He was completely intoxicate­d and unable to be calmed down.

“At one stage he pushed a member of staff out of his way.

“The police were called and he was arrested and cautioned.

“This was before the flight had taken off so luckily nothing escalated too far, but it still caused distress to the members of staff involved.”

Richard Birtwistle, defending, pleaded for his client to avoid jail as his business would suffer.

Mr Birtwistle said: “While this offence would be relevant of a custodial sentence, I don’t think this will help him in any way.” Thomas Howorth outside court

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