Daily Express

Princess Margaret and I have a great deal in common...


A FEMALE journalist claims that 14 years ago she was lunged at by a drunken MP. Dear me! No rape, no assault, just an inebriated pass. I am surprised she even remembers it.

Now Theresa May is reported as telling House of Commons staff to go to the police if they have been MY colleague Jennifer Selway wrote in this paper on Saturday that she hates staying in bed once she is awake and hates wallowing in baths. Oh, how I hate the superior tone of the “must get up as soon as the alarm goes off” brigade! I am and always have been a “just another five minutes” person.

One of the greatest inventions of the last century was the snooze facility on alarm clocks. I use mine three or four times every morning. Indeed since I retired one of my greatest pleasures has been padding along to the kitchen in my pyjamas, making a cup of coffee, then picking up the papers from the mat and taking them and the coffee back to bed, where I read for an hour. By the time I rise, stretch, yawn and blink Ms Selway has probably run round the block three times, eaten a bowl of Muesli and is immaculate­ly dressed and made-up.

As for baths they have suddenly become controvers­ial. Tim Loughton MP meditates in his, Princess Margaret, left, luxuriated in hers. For me there is nothing like a long, hot bath after a long, hard slog over the moors. I often round off a day with a scented bath and a drink perched on its side.

If I met Jennifer first thing in the morning I would feel tired just looking at such a bundle of energy and would doubtless go back to bed to recover.


“sexually harassed”. Frankly the boys in blue have got more to worry about than a hand on a knee or a pat on the posterior.

Such actions are distastefu­l but the women can take action without going over the top.

The secretary who was asked to buy sex toys could have simply said no, that was not in her job descriptio­n and, if the MP persisted, she could have said: “What would the chief whip say?” which would have been a veiled threat to report the behaviour.

It appals me that women portray themselves as so helpless and then wallow in it. Do grow up, sisters.

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