Daily Express

MP’s aide ‘raped girl in his office after night out’

- By John Twomey

A YOUNG woman ran crying through the corridors of Westminste­r after she was raped by an MP’s chief of staff, a jury heard yesterday.

Samuel Armstrong, 24, allegedly pounced on the woman as she lay sleeping on a sofa in his office after a “very jolly, very playful” night out drinking at Parliament’s Sports and Social Club.

“The next thing I remember was him with his hand on my left breast, and him kissing my mouth and my neck,” she told police in an hour-long video interview played to the jury.

The aide, who worked for South Thanet Conservati­ve MP Craig Mackinlay, repeatedly begged the alleged victim to come back to his flat and called her a “bitch” when she refused, the court heard. She tried to push him off but he pulled off her clothes and raped her, said Mark Heywood, QC, prosecutin­g. “She said to him, ‘What are you doing?,’” Mr Heywood told the jury.

“His answer speaks volumes: ‘This is what you want!’” He allegedly raped the woman a second time before she dressed and fled.

She found a cleaner in the corridor of the Norman Shaw building – opposite Big Ben – who called police in October last year, London’s Southwark Crown Court heard. The victim admitted suffering from depression and anxiety at the time.

Sarah Forshaw, QC, defending, said: “It wasn’t until after you and he had had consensual sex, you found you couldn’t find your way out of the House of Commons, that’s what happened. You had a sort of panic attack, anxiety and you couldn’t find your way out?” The woman denied it, saying: “I was crying because a man had forced himself upon me.”

Armstrong, of Danbury, Essex, denies rape and sexual assault charges. In a statement to police he said: “Any contact was at all times consensual.” Trial continues.

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