Daily Express

Animal welfare is lifted by new laws

- By Alison Little

ANIMAL welfare activists yesterday welcomed a government vow to use Brexit to improve standards and tackle problems such as puppy smuggling.

Environmen­t Secretary Michael Gove published a draft Bill requiring law-makers to recognise animals as conscious beings who can feel pain.

The legislatio­n raises from six months to five years the maximum jail term for cruelty to animals in England and Wales.

It also explicitly rejects the welfare exemptions that EU law allows for “cultural” but cruel practices such as bullfighti­ng and producing foie gras.

David Bowles, of the RSPCA, said: “This is potentiall­y great news for animals post-Brexit.”

Claire Horton, of London’s Battersea Cats and Dogs Home, said: “It will make a massive difference for animals and hopefully really start to act as a deterrent and put Britain back where it should be at the top of the league tables for animal welfare.”

Mr Gove said: “We are a nation of animal lovers.

“So we will make Brexit work not just for citizens but for the animals we love and cherish too. Britain outside the EU can have higher standards on the environmen­t and indeed on animal welfare.”

Meanwhile, ministers are considerin­g spending more overseas aid on cutting plastic pollution of the oceans.

It follows heightened public awareness highlighte­d by Sir David Attenborou­gh’s BBC TV Blue Planet II series.

Mr Gove is said to have pressed the Department for Internatio­nal Developmen­t to do more after research showed 90 per cent of plastic entering the planet’s seas comes from just 10 rivers in Asia and Africa.

 ??  ?? Big difference… Michael Gove
Big difference… Michael Gove

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