Daily Express

Stephen Pollard

- Political commentato­r

the wiseacres is nearly impossible in the time frame before we leave in March 2019 – again, the CEBR now says it is more likely than not to happen.

That is because once again in the real world it is in everyone’s interests to conclude a deal. The EU runs a trade surplus with us so they would be simply mad to choose to wipe that out.

As for the idea that the time it has taken to conclude deals with other countries shows it is impossible to do one with the UK in barely a year – this is wilful nonsense.

None of the other nations had been EU members and so needed to adjust every law and rule to comply with EU rules. We are there already.

More generally, the real difference is that for most of the past year the EU has been behaving like a spurned lover who wants to punish the one who rejected it. Even for the Eurofanati­cs, with their allconsumi­ng arrogance, this was always going to be replaced at some point by logic and realpoliti­k.

As we saw earlier this month with the first formal agreement from the other 27 members on Brexit, the realisatio­n has now dawned that we really are leaving and a deal is in their interests as much as ours.

They might sometimes seem so but the EU leaders are not fools. They know that if no deal is agreed they will suffer – and they have their electorate­s to worry about.

But even if they choose to put punishing us for leaving ahead of their self-interest in concluding a deal, we can stand tall and confident.

We are not some enfeebled nation at the mercy of others. We are the sixth largest economy in the world – and, if the CEBR is right, soon to be the fifth. We are in the G7 of the world’s leading economies – there as of right, and not simply, as for most EU members, solely through our EU membership.

We are members of the UN Security Council. We are part of the so-called “Five Eyes” security agreement.

We have nothing to fear from life outside the EU, with or without a deal – and so much to gain. Future prosperity will not be shaped by huge trading blocs that are imposed above the heads of national voters.

RATHER, it will be nimble, agile independen­t nations that carve out a role for themselves and draw up a path to success. Across the planet we can see voters wanting self-determinat­ion.

As Ian Stewart, of accountant­s Deloitte, put it this week: “Despite the huge focus we have seen on how much uncertaint­y there is, Britain remains a very good place to do business.

“It is still early days but the reality is better than a lot of the commentary suggests.” That is putting it mildly.

Next year we will see even more apocalypti­c and heated warnings of life outside the EU by Remoaners. They know that 2018 is their final chance to frustrate Brexit and so they will throw everything at it. But they will fail. They will fail because a deal will be done and our path to separation will be clear.

And they will fail because even our supine and weak political class will realise that if they reject a deal, reject Brexit and try to overturn the referendum result, they will provoke a democratic crisis the like of which we have never faced in modern times.

Brexit is coming.

‘Ignore the nonsense of the Remoaners’

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