Daily Express

Russell Grant

Britain’s celebrity astrologer


Celebratin­g today: ex union leader Arthur Scargill, 80, and golfer Ben Crenshaw, 66

Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20

A presentati­on will go well and people are receptive to your ideas. When planning a talk, it’s better to leave your audience wanting more than to address every point. Don’t be afraid to make a few jokes; a serious attitude can create barriers. 0905 789 3701**

Taurus Apr 21 – May 21

Sharing your expert knowledge will be gratifying. People are eager to learn from you because you take a gentle approach to educating. Instead of giving up on students who are struggling, you’ll try a range of teaching methods until the penny drops. 0905 789 3702**

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Although you like good looks, you can’t be with someone who lacks curiosity and intelligen­ce. If you’re seeking a partner, stop focusing so much on appearance­s. Be open to dating someone who excites your imaginatio­n and makes you laugh. 0905 789 3703**

Cancer June 22 – July 23

Forming a business alliance will work in your favour. You work well with someone who likes to focus on the financial aspects, leaving you free to deal with the human element – working with clients and making sales pitches comes naturally to you. 0905 789 3704**

Leo July 24 – Aug 23

You’re more productive than anyone else and your contributi­ons merit a pay rise. If you can’t get the additional money you deserve, look for another job. Don’t hesitate to apply for positions that seem out of reach as you may be selling yourself short. 0905 789 3705**

Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 23

A creative project will provide a welcome change. Recently, you’ve been bogged down with family responsibi­lities. Now these are starting to dwindle, giving you the chance to do what you love. Starting a course will make you feel more productive. 0905 789 3706**

Libra Sep 24 – Oct 23

Relatives are trying to impose their will on you. Striking out on your own requires courage but don’t be afraid to stand up to a bully. You don’t owe anyone explanatio­ns for your choices. Whether you want to adopt a new lifestyle or relocate is immaterial. 0905 789 3707**

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

This is a good time to speak your mind. The sooner you get troubling thoughts off your chest, the better. Someone will take offence at your direct remarks but that’s because they feel guilty. Don’t back down. You don’t have to be nasty, just be truthful. 0905 789 3708**

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

Take this opportunit­y to increase your fees or ask for a rise in salary.You’ve been working hard and deserve to be paid what you are worth. If you have customers who complain about a hike in your rates, don’t keep them on the books. 0905 789 3709**

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

Use your influence to get a loan, land a job or charm the object of your affection. Setting lofty goals is critical – if you continue to accept the status quo it will result in missed opportunit­ies. If you feel intimidate­d, swallow your fear and go for it. 0905 789 3710**

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

Your vivid imaginatio­n should be channelled into a creative project. It doesn’t matter whether you’re writing or painting, the important thing is to find an outlet for your creative impulses. If you’re going to fulfil your potential, change your priorities. 0905 789 3711**

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

You’ll have a wonderful time at a party. Push yourself to attend, even if you feel tired or anxious. Any reservatio­ns will vanish once you walk through the door. You’ll especially enjoy talking to a person who shares your interest in spiritual matters. 0905 789 3712**

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