Daily Express


- By Gillian Crawley

A HARLEY Street surgeon has rated Meghan Markle the most perfect royal beauty by using a facial mapping technique invented in ancient Greece.

Represente­d by the Greek letter phi, the “golden ratio” is a mathematic­al scale of 1.618:1 and expresses the ideal proportion­s for an object.

Human faces that closely follow the ratio are often considered more attractive.

Cosmetic surgeon Dr Julian De Silva applied the principle to photograph­s of Meghan, 36, the Duchess of Cambridge, Zara Phillips and Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.

By measuring the distances between eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips, chin and jaw and dimensions of their facial shape, he found Prince Harry’s fiancee closest to the Greek ideal of perfection with a score 87.4 per cent accurate to the golden ratio.

Kate, 36, was close behind with 86.8 per cent while Zara, also 36, came third with 81.6 per cent. Beatrice, 29, and Eugenie, 27, scored 80.7 and 79.3 per cent.

Dr De Silva, who runs the Centre For Advanced Facial Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery in London, said: “Meghan and Kate both really stood out and got significan­tly higher marks than the three others.

“Meghan has beautiful facial symmetry and gets closer than any other princess to having what the Greeks considered the perfect face.

“She has an almost perfectly shaped nose with a 98.5 per cent score, her eye position is exactly right and her gorgeous V-shaped chin is far more classicall­y beautiful than Kate’s.

“Kate stands out for having a perfect gap between her nose and lips and very strong eye spacing.”

Meghan’s score was a few points behind the most perfect female celebrity – Johnny Depp’s ex-wife Amber Heard, with 91.85 per cent. The highest-scoring male celebrity was George Clooney with 91.86 per cent.

Meanwhile, Meghan and Harry were said yesterday to be the royals most in tune with the British public.

A survey for VoucherCod­esPro.co.uk on attitudes to the Royal Family put the golden couple ahead of the rest for approachab­ility.

Harry come top with 32 per cent and Meghan second with 29 per cent.

Voters particular­ly admired the fact Megan had held down a successful career in the TV series Suits and described her as down to earth. Eleven per cent liked her feminist views.

The Duchess of Cambridge scored only 13 per cent as someone the public could relate to. Half of the 2,300 people questioned believed that since marrying Prince William she had been moulded into someone else.

MIRROR, mirror, on the wall. Who is the fairest royal of them all? It’s Harry’s bride-to-be Meghan Markle, according to Harley Street surgeon Dr Julian De Silva, but the other royals and their spouses shouldn’t feel too miffed. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And while we’re talking about the country’s eyes as a whole there’s only one contender: it’s the Queen.

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Kate, top, was close behind Meghan while Zara, below, was placed third by Dr De Silva
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 ??  ?? Royal beauty map...Meghan, right, Eugenie, top and Beatrice, below
Royal beauty map...Meghan, right, Eugenie, top and Beatrice, below
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